What makes you enjoy talking to a girl?

  1. When she talks back.

    Sarcasm aside, I think girls are a lot more emotionally intelligent than men. Theres less social pressure telling them to repress everything. So as someone who usually ends up talking to people about their problems and emotions, it helps to not have to deal with teaching men what feelings are and how to articulate them. Because god damn are some of my guy friends repressed.

  2. Sense of humor and actual effort

    And yes it’s sad that effort isn’t the bare minimum but just so many conversations are so one sided

  3. We connect. We share commonalities. She gets my oddball sense of humor. She is 100% genuinely herself.

  4. When she actually converses back, asks questions about me, basically shows genuine interest.

  5. When they are just as invested in the conversation as you are – same as it is with any person.

    Finding that matching energy is getting harder and harder for me though. I am not a perfect social savant, and she has a literal limitless supply of men to talk to at any given second on social media/dating apps.

    The pressure of being the most interesting/fun one she can choose to talk to is getting out of hand.

  6. Depends, if the conversation is fun and enjoyable and also leading to potential sex with some flirty talk

  7. Nothing. Women generally aren’t interested in the same things as I am. If I want an enjoyable conversation I talk to my bro’s.

  8. Showing more than. Surface level interest in what I am saying about my own likes or dislikes, hobbies or even random topics. It is nice to get asked questions about technical bits even if they have no basis for whag it means or comorehend it. I like to gush when asked, but hate just doing it without an involved partner.

  9. They speak their mind and are interesting.

    Was texting this girl till my phone died, non-stop, talking about everything under the sun for 3 hours.

    I was scared to text her because I thought she wouldn’t be interested it talking, now I’m scared cause I’ve got a paper due today and if I text her I’ll never get it done on time.

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