Where were you when bin Laden was killed?

  1. In my apartment, smoking weed and playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 with my roommate. I only remember the specifics because we started flipping through channels and were laughing our asses off at all the people partying in the street on TV.

  2. 14 years old, my dad woke me up in the morning to tell me the news and bring me downstairs to watch. Headed to school after and got in trouble for joking that my Middle Eastern friend (great buddy of mine with whom I always made offensive jokes that he’d throw right back at me) didn’t show up for school because he was mourning his loss.

  3. Sitting at the neighborhood bar. Called my friend/roommate who had left for the evening and told him to come back to watch the news on tv (we didn’t have a tv).

  4. Idk I think it was sometime in 2011 or something

    Not something I consider notable in my life

  5. I don’t know the exact time, but I remember everyone knew online that Obama was going to announce it on TV.

  6. May 2, 2011 – the news started to leak about 9:45pm EDT. It wasn’t an event like 9/11 where people watched in real time. We all found out officially at the same time after the fact.

  7. No idea, this wasn’t a JFK or 9/11 type of moment for most people.

  8. Home

    in the living room then my mom and dad explained what happened and I watched the speech

  9. I was in my junior year of high school and was procrastinating on doing homework in my bedroom by watching clips from Seth Myers hosting the White House Correspondents Dinner from days before

  10. Watching the Celebrity Apprentice when Donald Trump got interrupted ironically enough

  11. I was a studying abroad in Wales. I remember learning in the morning. Fun fact in the house I lived in we did a weekly movie night and that night it was my turn to pick, so I picked Team America to celebrate

  12. Deployed, so it was a big thing on our end. A buddy of mine is convinced I played a part of it as I was an Intel guy and I always give him the “I can’t confirm or deny my involvement” line. My brother was definitely on the Carl Vinson though when they deep sixed his body though.

  13. I was in college, but I don’t remember more than that.

    It wasn’t a very significant event for me

  14. I have no idea. Glad the evil fuck is dead, but it just wasn’t THAT important of an event.

  15. I don’t have the slightest idea. It really didn’t register as particularly compelling news to me at the time.

  16. I was on the phone with my ex boyfriend, a former marine with PTSD and survivor guilt, trying to help him unpack this news.

    We had broken up a few months ago, because of his mental health issues and alcoholism, but I still didn’t want him to end up dead, which was a strong possibility, so I spent a long time on the phone with him.

  17. Don’t know, don’t care. It mostly registered as “oh, well guess that’s done with then. Anyway, what’s for lunch today?”

  18. Somewhere in the Indian Ocean. First time an impromptu ice cream social on the mess deck was a good thing.

  19. Lol I was in Iraq and we had a collective “oh shit please don’t go insane”

  20. That night about to go to sleep when we got a mass text. “WE GOT HIM!” It was a great night! Ended up going for a beer to celebrate.

  21. I recall seeing it on the news, people cheering in front of the White House. My parents were also happy that justice had been served to those who lost their lives in 9/11 and the emotional grief that the victims’ loved ones had to endure.

    As a 7-year-old girl, I was confused when I first heard about the death of Osama bin Laden. However, as I grew older and did more research on the topic, I became relieved that a person like him was no longer on this earth to hurt anyone else.

    Coming from a Muslim, I’m glad that he’s dead.

  22. I was working at a restaurant in the Bay Area at 23 and one of the managers said that apparently bin Laden had been killed. Didn’t really confirm till I was off work later that night.

  23. Basic training. They got us out of bed earlier than usual and in formation to make the announcement. Then we went for a longer run than usual.

  24. I’m not quite sure. I heard about it the day after when I saw graffiti on a stop sign that said “We got him!” I had a hunch of what it meant, I looked it up, and sure enough Bin Laden was dead.

  25. In bed, asleep.

    My alarm clock back then would turn on the radio. I remember waking up the next day, and the morning announcers were talking about Osama Bin Laden being dead. I woke up and listened for a bit, and it felt like I had already known he was dead. Like it had happened a few weeks prior.

    Then I went to school (I was in 8th grade) and some kids were super pumped about it. I got to homeroom, sat down, and some kid ran down the hall yelling “OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!!!” that’s when it really sank in.

  26. I don’t have a fancy story, but my brother had just stepped off the Yellow Footprints joining the Marine Corps when they announced the mission.

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