Ladies, what’s your party trick?

  1. Assuming “getting drunk and bored and leaving without saying goodbye” doesn’t qualify, I have had people gather around me to watch me sneeze with my eyes open.

  2. My really loud whistle with fingers in my mouth. People are always surprised when I do it because apparently “ladies who whistle are rare” and then I proceed to blow out their ear drums. Works every time 😂.

  3. Reciting the alphabet backwards to the tune of the ABC song while signing.

  4. I can tear a phone book in half. It’s really not hard if you know how to get it started!!

  5. I can do a helluva cartman impersonation. My friends always ask me to talk like him at parties. We all laugh together!!

  6. I can do handstands and walk around while in handstand, turn in circles etc. I’m old and tall and do not look like a gymnast at all, so people are always surprised that I can do it and with excellent form to boot!

  7. I can sing the first 50 or so elements of the periodic table in order. I memorized most of that song in high school chemistry class and it has stuck in my brain all these years.

  8. I have a split tongue, I can make the tips clap and I can grab small things with it. Definitely gets attention from other sapphics haha.

  9. I went to college for opera. I don’t sing opera anymore but occasionally will break out a few measures as a party trick

  10. Due to playing the digeridoo I can circular breathe, meaning I can blow bubbles out of a straw while inhaling at the same time. Anyone who plays a horn can do that but people are always impressed when I do it, so I guess I happen to live in a community with no horn-players.

  11. Outdoing a man/boy who thinks I’m easy prey for his sob story. It didn’t start deliberately (I wasn’t trying to be annoying) but I’d had a bad day and this creep decided to tell me about his bad day. Ever since then I’ve been able to win out on a “my day was bad” contest!

  12. Making everyone uncomfortable cause im not drinking. Apparently this is a huge issue

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