What question do you hate answering?

  1. “Are you North or South Korean” what the fuck do you think

    “So what do you do for a living” why the fuck does it matter

    “Are you married or…? No? Are you dating or have you been single for long or” whyyyy the fuck does it matterrrrr (and to clarify, I’m obviously not talking about a dating situation, but about randoms who believe that a stranger’s relationship status is a top tier small talk topic)

  2. “Is that your natural hair color”

    I’m a platinum blonde and I get it, uncommon color. It’s the follow up “no that can’t be your natural color” that really irritates me though. Then why the fuck did you ask?

  3. “So which Asian are you?”

    I understand not everyone knows the difference in appearance between different types of Asians, but I’ve gotten this a lot since I was like 5.

  4. How old are you? – I had kids young and when I mention my kids in a way that indicates their age I immediately get asked. And then if I respond I get to watch them do the mental math.

  5. How’s you mom doing?

    My mother has stage four lung cancer, but she feels like oncologists are hiding ‘real’ treatments and cures, so she tries all manner of batshit Facebook remedies. Shortly after she said she was going to microdose arsenic I asked her not to talk to me about her health. So, I hate when people ask me about her because I actually have no idea.

  6. Is that a weave or a wig?!

    Did you want twins?!!!

    Are you pink in the middle

    Is it true once you go black you don’t go back 🤦🏾‍♀️

  7. Where are you from?


    Where is your family from?


    Seriously, do not go further than this. It’s annoying. I’m Hispanic and only somewhere probably in the early 1800s did our ancestors come over from Spain or Portugal. I haven’t researched it and don’t care so we’re American, from here, period.

  8. Anything “culture stereotypes” related. Like “oh you must like vodka since you’re Russian”. Yeah mate, never heard of it, great joke. Do you have your breakfast in McDonald’s since you’re American?

  9. “When are you going to start residency?” or “When are you going to take your exam?” shut the f up. Ill do it when Im ready, or dont you think Im the person that wants to achieve those things the most? jesus

  10. “Why don’t you smile more?”
    Me: This is my face. It looks like this when I am happy or sad. 🙄🙄

  11. What do you do for a living? I hate this one bc I have a severe mental illness that has made working feel impossible , i have terrible job history bc of it, my boyfriend and parents support me and I might be applying for disability soon. It’s a normal question to ask when you meet someone but I have no idea what to say.

  12. “how’s the job search going?” 😒 not great! i’ll let you know when i’m employed again!

  13. What are your pronouns?

    Not because I don’t respect others but because I personally don’t care and hate being made to choose

  14. “Are you on your period?” It makes me mad just tying this. I hate being asked this and it pisses me off every time

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