Hi, I’m going to California and Nevada in July and was wondering how much it would cost to go to a range, rent a pistol and shoot for an hour or two?

  1. 40 bucks for the range time

    20 bucks to rent a handgun

    10 bucks for target and ear pro roughly

  2. In my delightful state IL you need a FOD card. Average cost per hour is 45$. 50$ for rental and ammo is 200$ for 1,000 rounds of .22lr depending on caliber the price goes up.

  3. Depends on the place. Figure 20 to 50 bucks for entry fee, same cost for rental, and 10 to 40 cents a round depending on what you are shooting.

  4. IT’s going to change based on the range, but I’d budget $150 or so, all in, just in case.

    Also, if you are going to Vegas, find a place like [this](https://www.battlefieldvegas.com/) and shoot some big stuff. (I’m not affiliated in anyway, just a suggestion.)

  5. I have no idea. Good question for your hotel concierge though.

    FYI the typical tourist spots in southern California won’t exactly be gun friendly territory though. Nevada is pretty gun friendly though

  6. Varies pretty widely, since NV is so touristy, but probably about $100 for “full service” gun, ammo, targets, ear/eye protection and range time.

  7. Something to think about. Some ranges won’t let singletons rent a gun and shoot. Too tired of cleaning brains off the ranges.

  8. I would contact the range directly. They will have the info you need.

  9. It depends entirely on how much ammo you go through. I’d probably keep at least $60 set aside for that, even more if you’re doing it in Vegas.

  10. It depends. When I lived in Virginia, me and some friends would go to a range that was completely free, owned and ran by the parks service. You still had to provide your own gun and bullets, neither of which were sold at the range.

  11. It can be expensive. The gun and the range time is not terrible, but the ammo adds up really quick.

  12. If you want to shoot a machine gun, be prepared to pay both for the novelty tax and because they are empty in seconds.

    Ranges vary from very cheap outdoor county run ones that probably don’t rent anything to expensive indoor ones. If you’re a solo traveller it might be difficult, they sometimes don’t want to rent to you.

  13. The place I go to is $26/hr for the pistol range and slightly more for the 100m rifle range.

    The rental fees are what will get you. Expect to throw another $20-40 per gun on top of the range fee, and expect them to also insist that you use their ammo in their rental guns instead of bringing your own. Expect this ammo to cost about 3-4x what it would on the regular market.

    If you’re going to Nevada and just want the tourist experience there are a bunch of places in the Vegas and I think Reno areas that cater to that. You’ll blow a few hundred bucks in there easily, but they have the *cool* shit that isn’t legal for normal folks to own here generally. Full auto is a hell of a good time even if you can only afford to dump a mag or two. If you’re just doing the tourist thing and don’t actually intend to buy your own gun at some point you’ll probably be a little disappointed in the experience of just renting a basic pistol and blasting a box of ammo through it. It’s a good way to sample a few guns to decide which one you want to buy, but probably a bit boring otherwise.

  14. I haven’t done it there, but here (though costs vary) it’d be roughly $50-75 to get your range slot for an hour plus rent the gun plus buy the ammo.

  15. Usually all in, range time a few guns and ammo, I end up at 300, one pistol would probably be more like 100 all inclusive, I wouldn’t go to cali for that though, restrictive gun laws and all

  16. I think last time I paid about 70 bucks all up. That was range time, 9mm rental (any 9mm they had, can swap out), and ammo.

    I was there about an hour.

  17. If you want specific information we’d need more specific info on where you’re going. Have to remember how big the states are. California is between Sweden and Norway in size, Nevada is just a little smaller than Italy. Both states are bigger than the UK. The majority of ranges are also not priced and run the same. All we can do is give a very general ballpark answer. If you’re going from Sacramento to Reno answers are probably going to be a lot different than if you’re going from LA to Vegas. Pricing depends on the specific range. Google ranges with rental guns in the places you’ll be visiting then check their websites, usually pricing will be available on the website.

    I’d save the shooting and some extra cash for Nevada. Shoot some machine guns from a helicopter instead. I’m guessing Vegas is part of your trip and there’s a bunch of ranges there where you can shoot everything from simple handguns to a minigun. Some places even have APCs you can drive and shoot from. And as I already said, shooting from helicopters. If Vegas is indeed on your list then you’re 100% wasting your time even considering shooting at a Californian gun range. Here’s a few from Vegas, this is straight up just the first five that came up when I googled “machine gun rentals las vegas” for another post a few months ago:

    * https://www.battlefieldvegas.com/packages/
    * https://machinegunsvegas.com/
    * https://www.therange702.com/shooting-experiences/
    * https://bulletsandburgers.com/
    * https://gunshiphelicopters.com/shooting-packages/

    If you’ve never handled or fired a firearm please make sure to let staff know before you get on the range at whatever range you decide to shoot at. If you’re feeling extra courteous calling ahead doesn’t hurt and you can make sure they have what you want to shoot available and ready. Usually they’ll be more than happy to help you out and make sure you have a good experience. If you have never shot before I would highly recommend you start with a long gun, not a handgun, so you can get used to recoil and the “surprise” of the shot. If you’re dead set on a handgun start small when it comes to caliber. Jumping straight to a Desert Eagle or S&W .500 is how people get hurt. I’m sure you’ve seen videos of people smacking themselves in the face with the still very loaded and live gun or it flying out of their hands when they shoot. At the MG ranges they’re pretty much guaranteed going to have someone right there to help you out and make sure everything is safe for liability reasons and the sheer fact that those MGs are often insanely expensive.

    Did you have any specific models or calibers in mind for the handgun you wanted to shoot or was it just to shoot a gun so you can say you have?

  18. (Last time I went to an indoor range…)

    Range Fees

    First person in a lane: $18.40

    Second person sharing a lane: $10.00

    Targets: $1.60 each

    Safety Equipment Rental

    Eye Protection: $2.00

    Ear Protection: $1.50

    Gun Rental

    Pistol: $15.00

    Rifle (Pistol Caliber): $15.00

    (You have to buy ammo from them at a somewhat inflated price, $25-30/50 rounds of 9mm, IIRC.)

  19. Depends on the range but it could be any where from 50 to a couple hundred bucks. Depends on how much ammo you use as well. It would probably be best to pick a range and see if they have and deals or packages.

  20. $150 would give you some fun.

    I took my teenage sons to a range in NH for their 16th and 18th birthdays (within a few days of each other) that has fully automatic machine guns to rent and we went through $600 in about an hour.

  21. California only has old guns. Nevada is full ‘Merica mode when it comes to weapons.

  22. I usually go and just shoot my 9 at the indoor range and one hour is like $30 but i bring my own ammo and ppe. Targets are included.

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