You’re entering your SOs (past or present) place for the first time in the early days of your relationship, for better or worse, what surprised you?

  1. That I had seen the layout of his apartment before in a strangely vivid dream 😳

  2. Him: “OMG I’m so embarrassed, my place is such a mess, I can’t believe you have to see it like this.” (I was driving him home after he’d had a few too many)

    The mess: A stack of papers on the dining room table, a blanket on the couch, and two (2) cups on the coffee table

    Me: 🥰

  3. I walked into the foyer (block of flats) and it was so clean and there was a water fountain. I thought it was so fancy and upper class!
    I walked into his flat (that he shared with two other men at the time) and thought it was very cluttered, but with really cool nerdy stuff. And then I used the bathroom and couldn’t believe the state of it (3 men using a single bathroom and who clearly weren’t overly bothered with cleaning) so it was a bit of a rollercoaster, to say the least!
    We live together now, and thankfully it turns out that he’s fairly tidy!

  4. How many dang pictures and pieces of drunk art were on the walls.

    As his sister put it “it was like his personality exploded on the walls”

  5. I was pretty damn shocked. My husbands house, where I eventually moved too, was the pinnacle of single male in his late 20s with disposable income. Nice living room, super comfortable bed, and enormous TVs in both rooms. He built the house and wasn’t happy with the final outcome so it was bare bones.

    What surprised me was his master bathroom and kitchen. To die for. He remodeled as soon as he moved in and all it needed was a little character, a woman’s touch. Waking up the next morning, I was itching to use his jacuzzi tub and that huge shower. I was impressed and didn’t see that coming.

    Then I saw his “gear” room. He’s a private military contractor and this room looked like a military surplus store. Body armor, clothes for the desert, jungle, snow, wet suits, boots, two large gun safes… I’ve been living here for almost 5 years and I still don’t know everything in there. Thoroughly surprised

  6. How clean and organized the bathroom was. Having dated a lot of straight dudes in the past, I was expecting a grimy sink and one of those 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/bodywash bottles but my current partner isn’t like that.

  7. Well his female roommate really took me by surprise & took some getting used to. Also I’d never been with or really even around someone who smoked weed, so that took some negotiating and compromise.

  8. He lived with his parents and still had bunk beds. He was 30. He slept on the top bunk 😂 of course, as he told me, “Only losers choose to sleep on the bottom bunk.” Still together 10 yrs later, bunk beds are long gone, thankfully 😄

  9. Probably all the bugs.

    Dead and in frames, he collects them.

    Mostly butterflies, in hindsight not that weird but definitely weird if you’re not expecting it.

  10. When we walked in, the entryway wall was completely covered in deer heads. Like 10+. I’m not a fan of deer and I absolutely hate taxidermy, so I was very glad to learn that they were not his. He rented the basement apartment and all the heads belonged to his landlord, who lived upstairs. Seriously made my skin crawl through.

  11. His closet has no door. And there is barely anything in his fridge because he is almost never there.

  12. The amount of art products and half finished paintings she owned.

  13. So we were in a long distance relationship, and he would sometimes send me videos where he was talking in different rooms of his apartment. And since these videos were taken with the front facing camera, they’re flipped. So when I actually entered his apartment for the first time, I was already familiar with every room, but everything was the mirror image of what it was supposed to be.

  14. The toilet seat was broken.

    We’re married now and he’s wonderful. He just had a shitty landlord.

  15. His room was way cleaner than expected…turns out he cleaned his room really well before I came over, because it’s never been that clean since!😂 also, he had such a small bed which really surprised me, and also the way his room looked like it hadn’t been changed since he was a little kid (it was his room in his parents house, but still it surprised me!)

  16. An ex lived with two guys and they had a pool table in the basement where he and I were going to play pool. It was covered it partially folded laundry. He explained that they used it usually just to fold their laundry. 👀 The other two roommates were a landscaper and truck driver. The roommate apologized for the “mess” and cleared it.

  17. The sink in his bathroom was filled with dirty water and his toothbrush was just lying it in. So gross. I only dated him for like a month and a half. I was 19 at the time.

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