We all had our dreams at some time or other, where are they now?

  1. I went and got an engineering degree.

    For the past 3 years since graduation I’ve been fumbling around like “now what?”

  2. I wanted a house with a lawn in a middle class suburb. I’ve got that, so I am happy.

  3. Yes and no. I had a list of milestones, things I wanted to achieve, buy, etc. The more I went through life, the less important a lot of that became. Sometimes knowing you can is more than enough.

  4. When I was a little kid my dream was to join the army and become a famous general. Status: unfulfilled (but also inactive, I no longer wish to do that).

    In high school I wanted to be a teacher or college professor. Status: unfulfilled and inactive.

    In college I wanted to be a poet or at least a writer in the culture industry. Status: unfulfilled, semi-inactive.

    I graduated college into the depths of the Great Recession so then my dream was just to get some kind of well paid job lol. Status: fulfilled (sadly not until I was like 27 though).

    I never really had getting married, home ownership, or having kids as something I necessarily wanted to do but I have done those things and am quite happy with the results.

  5. Never setiously had one. So yes, I achieved that lol

    I always wanted to go to New Zealand, and yes I did that.

    Also when I was a kid I wanted a machine gun shaped house, and I’m disappointed to say that I have *not* achieved this.

  6. I wanted to fly as a kid in the Air Force. I never was a pilot but I was an enlisted aircrew member on two different airframes. During high school I started enjoying history and it really flourished while I was in the Air Force. After I got out I went to college with the hopes of being a history professor. I did not achieve that, but today I’m a high school social studies teacher. Recently I started enjoying golf, and I started a second job this last weekend working at a country club.

    Overall, I’m extremely happy with what I’ve accomplished and everything I’ve done is related to the things I enjoy the most in life. Perhaps I didn’t accomplish exactly what I set out for, but I still landed in a great spot in life.

  7. I’m working on mine, I want a few acres of land, nice lil VW bus, some crop growing space – hopefully I can get my shit together to have that when I retire, but hey, I got a decent job for me, I’m having fun in life so like, I’m more focused on the trip to my goal then the goal itself.

    “Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it’s been”

  8. My only dream has been to be happy.

    I succeed more often than not.

  9. Cheer collegiately: Check

    Get married to a handsome, loving husband: Check

    Be a mom: Check

    Work in education: Briefly, but check

  10. Child : I wanted to be a F1 Driver or a dinosaur. Failed the F1 one, not sure how to proceed on the second part.

    Teen: Be a doctor. Failed since I’m garbage at chemistry.

    Fresh out of college: Join the military as an officer. Failed.

    Adult : Make 6 figs. Failed. I only make 41k a year. I’m told I still have the chance though as Project Management ramps up around the 3 year mark.

    Pretty sad when you look at things.

  11. Have an emotionally healthy family and tell my kids I love them all the time 😍
    So yes!

  12. I always had an interest in the weather and in the solar system, so I used to want to be either a meteorologist or an astronomer until I realized the level of math I would’ve had to complete in college. The 6th grade was the last time I earned an “A” in any math course, and it has always been one of my least favorite subjects.

  13. I wanted to own a house by the time I was 40. I got close, I closed on the house a few months after I turned 40.

  14. To work at Disneyland.

    So far, I’m coming closer to pulling it off.

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