Saw a post , lets do the vice versa.

  1. My partner says it is that I always have something interesting/surprising to say.

  2. No one else wants me, so they don’t have to worry about me finding someone else.

  3. The fact that I’m always trying to be self aware and work on myself.

  4. I’m a great listener so if anyone ever wants to vent or share a story I always listen.

  5. i remember little things about you that most people forget. i also like to do little nice things a lot

  6. I’m a lot more patient and understanding than a lot of people.

  7. If I like you I will focus on you only and actually have interest in really getting to know you(and no I don’t mean your favourite colour but know the real you with the good and bad).
    I like building relationships and will try my best to meet you half way, will never take advantage or disrespect your ideas or opinions but will call you out on your bullshit(if needed). I’ll respect your boundaries and demand the same from your side.

  8. I want to uplift people, to help them get to their best, to get close to their dreams, I give support in all possible ways, I don’t judge and are extremely patient, I give countless of chances, I keep on seeing the good in people and believe in them, I’m kind and extremely affectionate. Just to proceed with caution cause take it for granted and I switch to someone’s worst nightmare.

  9. * I’m against any kind of enforcement in the relationships. I’ll never pressure on you
    * I’ll always stand by you and be your biggest fan
    * And probably sex 😀

  10. 1) I am a good listener. I will always want to know about your day – every little detail
    2) I am self-aware, working on myself, open to criticism, will apologise immediately if I am wrong
    3) I value space a lot in relationship. Lots of “me time” and independence will be there. It’s also very important to grow individually & as a couple and value the time spent together more
    4) I am empathetic and emotionally available. Very loyal
    5) I will be your biggest cheerleader. Will support you always
    6) I am very patient and caring. Will remember the smallest details about you
    7) I am very romantic – will write letters and poems, send you gifts often, surprise visits, cook dishes etc.,

  11. I’ve been told that I’m kind, I’m a nice person and I’m fun to be around. Also, I will feed you. I’m a good cook.

  12. I’m mono so you get all 150 of my personalities 😂💀 I’m funny. Love to tease. I love to learn and travel and want to explore and have fun with them. I want a best friend to do stupid stuff with. And a partner who knows I’m a loyal ride or die gal. Yep yep

  13. Probably that I’m very open-minded and nonjudgmental. I tend to make people comfortable being honest and opening up.

  14. – I physically can’t bring myself to cheat. If we begin having issues, we either work on it together or go our separate ways

    – if we break up, I actually leave you alone lol!

    – I’m a great listener and pay attention to details. People have told me I’m a great gift giver and I think it’s because of this haha

    – I’m supportive!

    – I will love your pets as much as you do! (Probably same with kids, however I personally don’t want kids so I tend to avoid dating people who have them. Nothing against them though. Just not for me)

    – I’ve been told by all of my previous partners that I’m funny lol. I’ve also been told I’m fun!

    – I’m a great texter. I won’t leave you hanging, and if you need help with something in the middle of the night, I’ll answer my phone

    – I’ve been told I give great massages lol!

    – You can really talk to me about anything.

    – despite having trust issues from previous experiences, I completely trust you until you give me reasons not to. Go have fun with your friends lol

  15. I love cooking and baking for people, I listen well and validate feelings, and I have extravagantly nice titties.

  16. I will never make you take me to an expensive place…I hate lobster, steak, crab legs, salmon, etc. My bread and butter are diners, drive ins, dives, and fast food places and I always bring enough money to cover the bill for at least 10 people. I also hate alcohol so no cocktails for me.

  17. Making you happy and doing things for you makes me really happy. And I’ll always listen to you talk about your hobbies even if I know nothing about them and I have zero interest in the actual hobby itself, but ah the way people’s faces light up when you ask them and listen

  18. I will bake you cupcakes if you’re down. If you’re sick I will make you soup. In a lot of ways I’m an old Jewish lady except for I’m an almost 30 year old white girl from the California valley hahah

  19. I come with two cats. I also come with a husband, but hey look, cats. Cats rule!

  20. I’m demisexual, so if I fancy you this is rare and special and there is no way I will cheat on you. I hate even flirting with guys and I don’t have any single male friends.

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