Just a small appreciation post is all. We’re set to be married next year (this year was pushed back due to not realizing just how expensive everything really is)

I love everything about this woman and tell her almost daily. Recently I started noticing she’s becoming more like me lol. Im into technology and making things more convenient. That includes smart everything at home, buying multiple chargers so I don’t have to keep moving mine, stuff like that.

When she first learned I do this she was surprised about it, but it made sense to her. Eventually she started loving all the convenient things I’ve set up like the toothpaste dispenser, the wireless charging phone / AirPod stand, vacuum, etc.

When I first started noticing this is when she encouraged me to get more things cause she’s always excited to see what I come up with next. The fact that she encouraged it was enough for me to smile so big.

Yesterday she had a few packages come in and this may seem like literally nothing, but she bought us two phone holders that we can stick onto the wall by the bed. It’s such a small gesture, but I loved that she thought of that. No one has ever bought anything “for us” in any of my relationships except for me. I’m sitting there holding the phone holder just smiling to myself looking at her thinking how much I love this woman. I told her afterwards how much I did, but I just can’t find the words to express just how much. I swear I can’t wait to spend forever with her. I could write sooo much more about her, but just wanted to share this small gesture that meant a lot to me. I swear I can’t wait to marry her.

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