What would be the reasons you don’t exercise daily?

  1. I don’t always have time everyday, and often my body needs to rest from a workout the previous day.

    For me, it’s better to make a more realistic plan that I know I can stick to. I’ve been working out 2-3 times a week for the past 8 years, and that’s good enough for me. If I started trying to do everyday, I think I’d give up after a few weeks.

  2. I do 4 days a week. If I miss a day it’s because I have a fever or I’m throwing up.

  3. Would be? Is.. I just have different priorities. Exercising EVERY day takes up too much time that I’d rather spend doing something else

  4. 5 seems daunting and I’m okay with 4. I am at the gym for a while when I am there, so I build in rest days and flexibility.

  5. It’s healthy for your body to take rest days. For instance, I ran 16km today, so tomorrow I will be resting.

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