What are the stories that stick in your mind?

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  1. So this did not happen to me but to a close family member ‘B’.

    B would take care of her mother in law (MIL). She was bedridden and despite her best care developed bed sores. B had a lot on her plate but did her best. B had a daughter about 5 years old ‘R’. R stated one fine day that grandfather had come home to play with her and put medications on grandma’s sores. He had passed away before R was born and she had never mentioned him this way before. It was a little bit strange for everyone but they did not think much of it. That night MIL passed away.

    While some believe that it was just make believe of a child, some others (including me) believe grandfather was indeed present that day to make her transition easier.

    It’s a sweet story that has been retold so many times in our family.

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