Hi ima neurodivergent 14 m. I personally dont like talking irl but feel comfortable talking to people online is the abnormal?

  1. Anytime you have a major difference with the culture you live in, your life is going to be harder.

    So I’d put it that way. Your life is harder but I wouldn’t label it good or bad. Difficulties can either build people or destroy them, depends completely how they respond.

  2. I’m a little confused because your title says you can’t stand socializing online but your message says you feel comfortable talking to people online.

    Either way… I think it’s OK. Everything is becoming hybrid. There will always be some aspect of socializing that happens in real life face to face, but there are more and more activities that happen online these days.

    So… I would suggest, keep working on your skills so that you can do both, even if one is your preference.

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