My wife and I have been married 7 years, it’s always been good sex. Climax about the same time….. she allows some oral, but I made her squirt, for the first time, it embarrassed her and rarely lets me head south.

She was raised in very strict religious home, and I knew all of that, didn’t care.

So, she still really reserve when I introduce something new, I’ve bought her several toys, nothing serious just small, I thought she would enjoy…..

But I’d like to elevate just a tick, get her more on offensive side and be more aggressive, in starting, flirting, throw me sexy texts….

Any suggestions, on how to turn into a race horse, I know it’s there…. I just gotta the button

1 comment
  1. Talk to her about it. She won’t get there until she’s comfortable and ready. So encouragement and discussion is key but she really needs to be ready and comfortable and willing to move that direction. There isn’t a button YOU can press

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