Throwaway account cus I’d like to have some anonymity just in case, and sorry im advance for the length.

So some background for this. My friend and I met a little over a year ago, and we hit it off exceedingly well. It was just one of those friendships where everything just clicked. And admittedly, i fell for her pretty hard. I ended up confessing to her a month and a half after we met, and was gently turned down. Sucked, but we continued to remain friends.

Our friendship developed a lot more over that time, and we became even closer than before, which brings us to the current day, where we’re practically inseparable. Our relationship also got a lot more physical, with us hugging, cuddling, occasionally holding hands and sleeping in the same bed together. However, my friend stressed that this didn’t really mean anything, she wasn’t ready for a relationship and we would only ever be friends, which i was pretty ok with since i had already come to terms with the fact that my feelings wouldn’t be requited and i liked having that physical touch. It even advanced into us casually engaging in trying a few things sexually, but not as far as full blown sex. But lately, things having been getting a lot more blurry. Well, more blurry then they already are.

My friend has admitted to wearing cute clothes for me and trying to make herself look pretty when she stays around my place, she’s been sending a me a ton of pictures of herself to me, and most recently, she changed up her hairstyle to something she’d really wanted for a long time, and when i reassured her that i thought she looked cute, she admitted that she was really worried about showing it off to me because she was worried about me not liking it and losing my attraction to her.

Now, she and I have had issues in the past with her sending (what i perceived to be) mixed messages, so for the sake of my own sanity, I take a lot of this with a pinch of salt.
But I feel like this is a lot harder to misconstrue. I dunno if I’m just overthinking things, but it’d be nice to have a second opinion.

My friend who i had a one sided crush on has recently started doing a lot of suspect things (wearing cute outfits/making herself look cute for me,sending me pictures of her,worrying about my attraction to her etc.) despite rejecting me and adamantly stressing we will always just be friends. Am I just overthinking? What do?

  1. Reading this definitely makes it seem like she’s likes you back, as a woman that’s around her age, i wouldn’t do those things for a guy unless i liked him. Maybe try asking her on a date ?

  2. Did she explain her reasoning behind her not being to be in a relationship or why you would only always be friends?

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