My ex and i broke up a little over a month ago and we were still in contact trying to possibly work things out. during our break up i started texting a guy who i had previously talked to and when my ex and i decided to get back together i cut him off.. i found out during our break up that my ex slept with another girl and when i confronted him about it he lied to me until i asked said girl and she told me the truth. he also went home with a different girl from the bar and didn’t do anything except they made out. he also lied to me about that. i never told him about texting this guy but he went through my phone and found the messages. i think what he did to me was way worse but he’s making it seem like everything is my fault. i want to get back together with him because i love him more than anything, i just don’t know how we move passed this when he acts like he didn’t do anything wrong. i forgave him for doing the stuff he did, why can’t he extend me the same courtesy?

  1. You guys were broken up. Neither of you did anything wrong. There was no cheating, there wasn’t anything, you can’t be mad at him because he was able to do something you wanted but couldn’t in the same amount of time.

  2. Both of you trying to punish one another for things you did while separated doesn’t bode well for a healthy future…

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