What are your must-have qualities in a best friend/girl friend?

  1. emotional vulnerability, i’ve been burned too many times by the ‘i don’t remember the last time i cried’ types

  2. Helps around the house a little. I do all of that myself these days. We are cool doing hobbies together or our own things apart. I think that’s important. If she is really into something and I’m not into it, I’ll still do it as a side thing, but she has to do the same for me. Ideally we have at least one leisure thing we both like (other than fucking).

    Good sex can make a man forget many things, but good sex and a good relationship is the key.

  3. My man says:

    Shorter than me
    Green Eyes
    Bubble butt
    Voluptuous Lips
    Pretty feet (Foot Fetish)
    Not too hairy

  4. Communicate. I can get stuck in my head sometimes, thinking someone is annoyed with me or doesn’t feel the way I do. I need to be told im wanted, desired. I’m constantly afraid that others don’t feel about me the way I do about them. Being told how someone feels about me is something I need.

  5. Literally every quality my best friend has. As a friend.. His the perfect package. Love that guy (Platonic way).

    Im just able to feel ease with him, enjoy his company even if we are just chilling and being silent, able to confide personal stuff with each other and keep it secret, same sense of humor, same taste in music, same morals.. Just him in general really.

    Gonna go bowling and drinks with him Saturday. Can’t wait. Great for my mental health

  6. A full understanding the friendship has to be reciprocal. It’s happened to me several times that I’m the only one keeping the relationship on life support and as soon as I stop running after them, we never talk evermore.

  7. Kindness, being considerate of others, doesn’t bullshit with certain things, great sense of humor, communicative, loyal, similar interests is a massive plus but also independent as well.

  8. truth teller

    can take a joke and roast me back

    and someone I can depend on for something small…if I can’t depend on you for something small, there’s no point in being friends.

  9. Asking the questions.

    Today, I was talking to my friend in class. It was actually about another friend, who didn’t seem to see me as any sort of priority on his friend list. We used to be best friends, but somehow that just kinda faded away. And I feel like I’m trying to hold onto something that is gone.

    So then the other friend, the one I was talking to, said: “So, this, a best friend kinda drifting away… has it happened before?”

    So he was trying to have a conversation, not just listen to me talk.

  10. NSFW but understands boundaries. Must be able to clown on themselves and take criticism because I tell it as it is. Also, be able to break out of any funk since I’m a pessimist.

  11. Making time for each other. Doesn’t have to be all the time, doesn’t have to be constant texting or anything like that, but if we’re having a text conversation that spans months because I only hear back from them every couple weeks, I’d rather just hang out or have a phone call, and if that’s not something they can do, I’m just going to assume I’m not a huge priority for you and consider you as more of a standard friend than a close friend/significant other

  12. Kindness, integrity, loyalty, sanity and accountability. An absence of any of these means commitment is off the table. She goes in the hookup only category.

    A relationship with a person who lacks any of these qualities will end up making your life worse, not better. Being single is far better than being in a relationship with such a person. The sex isn’t worth it.

  13. the ability to fight hard times, if someone cant stay with you throught hard times they dont deserve the good times

  14. My fiancé and I share the same core values. It’s one of the reasons why I asked her to marry me in the first place.

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