It’s a bad habit of mine- I read a text and then go on to something else. I’m now trying to use Bumble BFF to make more friends, but its kind of hard when I forget about the conversations I’m having till hours later.

How do I fix this? I’m not a very tech-connected person in what feels like a interconnected world.

  1. Don’t leave it to later. Respond to things as they arise, and then you don’t have to remember. It’s done

  2. Try to move it to a phone call as quick as possible and you’ll find a real friend faster.

  3. Don’t swipe away notifications after you’ve read them. Let them linger until you answer the text at which point they go away on their own. Serves as a constant reminder whenever you’re looking at your phone for anything

  4. Make sure you are sober, and not tired when responding. Start by making a few texts everyday. Preferably you respond to the newest received messages. Make a habit to respond to a few messages everyday until you are caught up. Eventually it will be normal for you to text people.

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