My boyfriend (26M) was on the back porch and when I (22F) went to go outside I saw him texting a girl and he quickly closed out of it when I opened the door. I thought I was being paranoid. But when I went outside a second time he did it again but with instagram messages. I went inside and back outside to see if my thoughts were legit… he did it a third time with the girl he was dming on insta. I asked him about it and he said he was closing out of apps and wasn’t trying to be sneaky… I told him I saw him close out his messages specifically. I feel like I’m being crazy but it was the same behavior with only messages. My gut is telling me something is off. Do I go with my gut and end things?

TL;DR Boyfriend is being sneaky with messages.

  1. I’m guessing you recognized who the person was? Is it someone he has history with, interest in, or could? Or is this maybe a friend, coworker, or even a family member you just didn’t recognize immediately?

  2. If you are sure, then tell him what you suspect and watch to see if it he keeps it up. If so then move on. In other words, give him a chance to cure the problem and if he doesn’t then you have no choice.

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