Ladies, what’s your Uber rating and how do you feel about it?

  1. 4.92.

    I know why it’s lowish, too. I admittedly don’t know the proper amount of force to close regular car doors. The only car I ever owned was a beater truck, and required a full arm swinging slam in order to shut. So I’m either slamming the door, or trying to be so gentle that it doesn’t close correctly.

    Most drivers don’t care, but the ones that do will show it with 2 or less stars.

  2. Did not know we were rated as well, but I just checked mine and it’s a 4.97% and now I’m spiraling wondering why it isn’t a 5 because I never make them wait, always tip generously and am really polite

  3. 4.8, I have only ever had one iffy experience and it wasn’t unsafe or anything just a ranting political driver.

  4. 5.0

    I don’t have a feeling about it. It’s Uber. It takes me from point A to B.

  5. 4.99 pretty good 😊 I’m quiet and nice I like to think & I try not to slam the door and always will tip when using Ubereats

  6. 5.0

    When I was younger I would definitely be proud AF lol but now idc it just makes sense since I no longer use it like probably ones or twice a year

  7. 4 something – I stopped using Uber because my rating would make me so sad. I think I’m polite so I would overthink if I’m too quiet or just seem unlikeable for me to be rated so badly? Especially if I’d use Uber in big cities my rating would go down instantly!

  8. 5.00

    I’m kinda surprised. Don’t really feel anything about it.

  9. It’s 4.55, it’s hilarious because the only reason why it would be so low is that I have a manual wheelchair. They don’t like it and that’s one of the reasons why I stopped to use Uber.

  10. 5.00 for me. I’m a tipper. Not sure if that’s related. But I always am thankful for folks like Uber drivers, Doordashers and service workers. Thank you to all those who do the thankless jobs and work your bootys off!

  11. I have no idea and I don’t really care. I think I’ve only used Uber once or twice, and now live in a country that doesn’t have Uber.

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