I had some pelvic floor issues after doing heavy squats.

Been doing touch your toes, Childs pose and the deep squat hold.

Wow they back thank god. Seems your pelvic floor is pretty important for male sexual health.

  1. Thanks man! I truly appreciate the advice 😊.

    I’ll start applying them from today

  2. I also have a similar experience in the gym. When I Start working out specially If you do any heavy leg exercise your testosterone level will increase 💪😜.

  3. Can you explain more? Was it just when you had add or did you get horny doing the yoga? I think I will try 👀

  4. I’ve been shocked to find that some men don’t even know they *have* a pelvic floor. It makes such a remarkable difference to everyone’s life and health!

  5. So many men don’t realize you can do so many exercises and things to promite penile health.

  6. Your muscles are a large endocrine system and it works by being contracted. There are chemicals that simply don’t get produced without exercise. It improves everything. Not just your dick. Your skin, hair, emotions, intestinal stuff, everything. And a moderate amount consistently over your lifetime is better than intense spurts throughout. So find something that is fun and do it consistently along with gym stuff. The gym stuff will ebb and wane while the fun stuff will be consistent. Think hiking, surfing, swimming in lake or some shit. Lifestyle habits that you become addicted to will be better for long term goals. The gym doesn’t work for like 30% of people IMO, maybe even more.

  7. How do you know the reason of the erection boost is that and not something else?

  8. Hi, could you tell how many sets and for how long each set do you do of these exercises?

  9. I might struggle with this, I’m doing dead lift and stuff, I’m super tense up my butt, you reckon these excersises would help?

  10. Always did heavy lifting on yoga days…great stretch afterwards…bonus was having a sexy yoga teacher who loved to help with poses and touch…

  11. I’ve read it as “Yoda” and it got me really confused

    May the 4th be with you I guess

  12. As this is May the fourth I totally read that title wrong and was expecting far more perversion in this thread

  13. So child pose, deep squats and touching your toes helped you?
    Did you take deep breaths while doing this?

  14. As a yoga teacher I really like this post. I started teaching classes outside of gyms and studios and the overwhelming amount of men that joined my bar floor Bliss classes because it was somewhere safe for them to join without feeling like they weren’t in a welcome or comfortable environment was amazing and the benefits from my students for years now and that still contact me about it even when they’re no longer active students of mine is astronomical. It’s not something that’s girly or week or feminine it is powerful and it is strength and the pelvic floor is important for everyone that moolabanda

  15. As a yoga teacher I really like this post. I started teaching classes outside of gyms and studios and the overwhelming amount of men that joined my bar floor Bliss classes because it was somewhere safe for them to join without feeling like they weren’t in a welcome or comfortable environment was amazing and the benefits from my students for years now and that still contact me about it even when they’re no longer active students of mine is astronomical. It’s not something that’s girly or week or feminine it is powerful and it is strength and the pelvic floor is important for everyone that moolabanda

  16. As a yoga teacher I really like this post. I started teaching classes outside of gyms and studios and the overwhelming amount of men that joined my bar floor Bliss classes because it was somewhere safe for them to join without feeling like they weren’t in a welcome or comfortable environment was amazing and the benefits from my students for years now and that still contact me about it even when they’re no longer active students of mine is astronomical. It’s not something that’s girly or week or feminine it is powerful and it is strength and the pelvic floor is important for everyone that moolabanda.

  17. As a yoga teacher I really like this post. I started teaching classes outside of gyms and studios and the overwhelming amount of men that joined my bar floor Bliss classes because it was somewhere safe for them to join without feeling like they weren’t in a welcome or comfortable environment was amazing and q it is powerful and it is strength and the pelvic floor is important for everyone that moolabanda.

  18. I read this as “Yoda gave me super erections.” May the force be with you.

  19. Pilates is another exercise that works on strengthening the pelvic floor. It’s also really good for strengthening your legs.

  20. Well, child pose and deep squat position are great for stretching and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles called BC/Bulbocavernosus to flow more blood to your penis and will result in stronger erection.

    There’s some exercises that give you super erection such as Reverse Kegel, IC/Ischiocavernosus training, Erect Reverse Kegel, and Angion Method.

    You can find them mostly on reddit. Have a great sex!

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