For me it used to be cornflake cake in syrup served with custard. Probably about a million calories and would never get served to children now but I could not get enough!!

  1. I remember the primary school I went to did a plain cheese quiche

    I also remember sometimes for dessert with had a biscuit and a strawberry milkshake

  2. The weird steamed pizza that had a massive bready base at primary school.

    The chip and cheese butties and the greasy as fuck peperoni pizza slices at highschool.

  3. secondary school was much more interesting, sometimes I had just chips with a bread roll with butter bap, bun, cake (whatever you call these in your part of the country)

  4. Those cheese and tomato pizzas, looking back, I think it was just a bread roll with cheese and tomato on top but pressed in a bit to make it look like deep pan.

  5. Cheese and Potato Pie.

    Used to love the cheesecake for dessert, but I fucking hate cheesecake now, aside from the European ones that are much less sickly sweet.

  6. Chicken burger thursdays. It was the MOST processed chicken in existence, a patty as thin as my patience, a soggy steamed bun, vinegary ketchup, in greasy tinfoil paper. But my fucking god they were good

  7. My school did these absolutely amazing chicken pasties. Pretty sure they were soy protein but they tasted divine.

    And chocolate hedgehogs and pink custard.

    And toffee maxpax milkshake.

    Ah, memories…

  8. Those pastry cheese whirl things. I tried to make them but they weren’t the same.

  9. Fish and chips on a Friday if you didn’t get there by a certain time the que would be so long you wouldn’t of had enough time to eat it before lunch ended

  10. Raspberry crumble. No apples, raspberries at the bottom had an almost fruit pastille texture to them.
    Perfect day was when it was served on the same day as the veg lasagne with mash.

  11. My school used to do a really nice quorn pasta bake. They stopped doing it after a while, but I really liked it. I’ve not even veggie, it was just nice. I think I liked the veg they mixed in with it.

  12. Curry. More of a Chinese than an Indian curry, iirc. Had raisins in it. And it was green. Not Thai-green-curry green: a more iridescent, oily-looking green.

    Dead tasty, it was.

  13. I loved my school food. The best days were pizza and chips with doughnuts for pudding and steak pie. Fridays were good too and had the best puddings.

  14. Baked Alaska!
    I bring this up to my partner but he said they didn’t have it at his school.

  15. For us it was mash potato and beans. Otherwise what I miss is the size and price of all the crisps. Mainly McCoys, but also Roysters, monster munch, Walkers Max,…

  16. Square pizza.

    The 8 year old me and friends would literally go wild for it, and hope that we didn’t get the corner bit that was all crust!

  17. Spam fritters or a stuffed pepper with mash. I could never decide which to choose because they were both awesome. The stuffed pepper was steamed to the point of mush and the filling was a really tasty savoury rice.

  18. Semolina with a spoonful of instant coffee in it.

    Jelly wobble.

    Steak pie in those big aluminium trays.

    Steamed jam roly poly with custard.

  19. Meat in gravy from primary school in the 70s.

    The dinner ladies had huge copper jugs full of gravy and “meat”, never did know what sort it was but bugger me it was delicious.

    I made sure I had seconds and thirds on a Wednesday when they served it up, we weren’t usually allowed thirds but I’d say the others didn’t like it so I’ll clear it up and Mrs Smith the dinner lady agreed with me.

  20. They used to serve up a slice of bread with gravy dinners and it was the softest, nicest bread I’ve ever had. I still think about it and I wish I had the recipe.

  21. School sausage rolls. Probably had very little meat as I remember it more as pink goo, but they were awesome. Usually with chips. No veg or anything healthy, maybe baked beans once in a while.

    School Cornish pasties were awesome too. Again very little meat, but I actually prefer them that way. Chips and maybe baked beans as before.

    I think it was a chocolate brownie, but very specifically it had a fine layer of crystallised sugar on the top that you could almost lift up. These things were absolutely awesome.

    Used to go mad for pink custard but I can’t remember what I had with it. Must’ve been some kind of sponge.

  22. Chocolate cake with mint custard.
    Ominously smooth mashed potato, doled out in an ice-cream scoop.

  23. Turkey twizzlers and cake with green custard. And during break you could buy mini pizzas, they could never make enough.

  24. American Bean Pie! It’s was basically like a Shepherd’s Pie but with a fancier name.

  25. In boarding school they used to make an amazing chicken and mushroom pie. Was the only nice thing they did make.

  26. There were these amazing, unnamed ‘sloppy’ beef wraps. I’ve never tasted anything like it and wouldn’t know where to begin to recreate it.

  27. My school did a thing called a Beanie. It was a fist-sized battered ball of meat with beans in the centre. The meat was like spam as I recall. They were really greasy but so tasty. I loved those things. I’d get one every day with chips and beans and a small carton of milk. That was all within the permissions and budget of my free school dinners.

  28. Chocolate cake and chocolate custard. Loved it because it wasn’t overly sweet.

    If anyone knows a good recipe, please drop it here. A thousand thank yous in advance. 🙏

  29. Steak and kidney pie with roast potatoes. Sponge pudding, jam or treacle, with custard. This was late 60s early 70s. I only ever saw the cook in the kitchen, she always smiled but rarely spoke, I didn’t realise she was French til years later when my cousin married her daughter!

  30. We had soup and buns etc at break time, and dipping a chocolate iced bun into a tomato soup was delightful.

    Actual dinners, you couldn’t go wrong with the square of cheese and tomato quiche. Sultana Flapjack after.

    I always say if I go on Come Dine I’m going to do a school dinners style menu.

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