My girlfriend lives only 2 hours from me, but we both cannot drive yet. I was talking to my dad about her and he basically said that long distance will never last/work, especially at my age. I know I am young, but please treat me indifferently. I love this girl dearly and I just need to be cheered up. She’s the most real person I’ve ever been with. I know that may be cliché because I’ve only been alive for 14 years, but please. All I am asking for is understanding, not “you’re too young it doesn’t matter.” Can I get some hope or reassurance from anybody?

  1. Is there any particular reason (outside of what your father said) why the relationship shouldn’t work? Very little context to go on, do you see each other sometimes? How comfortable are you both with just video calls etc? How is the communication between you two?

  2. I’m going to be extremely pragmatic (I’m sorry in advance).

    Remove the fact that the two of you are in a long distance relationship.

    Almost all relationships that start at 14 do not last for the rest of your life. It’s possible, but extremely uncommon.

    Maybe this is where your dad’s cynicism is coming from.

    I’m sorry kid. I really don’t know your circumstance or hers. Just be kind to her and be kind to yourself.

    All the best.

  3. Long distance relationships can work, they just take a lot more communication and self awareness.

    Can you video chat?

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