What view would you most like to have out of your window?

  1. Water

    The sight of water always calm me. I’d love a bedroom with a lake view. Bonus points for a lake in front of a mountain.

  2. I have to admit the view I have now is pretty amazing. It’s of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the harbour itself and all day I watch the boats and ferries and cruise ships come and go. As a bonus there’s often fireworks or other cool stuff.

    I like big bustling cities, especially at night, and I also like to see water, so what we have is pretty spot on.

  3. So this would unfortunately not work with how/where I live, nor how/where I want to live, but I’d still love to be able to see a lush pasture with horses grazing.

  4. Water, the sea, a lake, a river, anything.

    Either that or a forest.

  5. A forest. I can see the trees above the neighbors’ houses but it would be nice to be able to stare directly at it and see the deers that come out during the early morning hours.

  6. My preference is seeing nearby old forested mountains and valleys (which is the view I have now). It’s lovely if it also includes a body of water in the distance (lake or stream preferably), but it’s not a requirement to be able to see it as long as I know the water is nearby.

  7. Old city center with tiny alleys, ornate balconies, mom&pop cafes and lots of trees and flower beds

  8. Open space with a mountain range in the distance. Maybe a water source between the mountains and house.

  9. The countryside. I live near fields and can partially see them from my room, but I’d love to just see complete green and not the houses in front of them

  10. South-facing forest.
    I live in the North where sunlight is scarce for 9 months and having a South facing window is much much much appreciated. Forest is soothing cause then birds and deer and dogwalkers etc

  11. One of those beautiful gardens that are slightly overgrown and wild looking with lots of flowers/plants. Like secret garden style. I quite like an enclosed view, vast views make me feel a bit lost in the world.

    It would also mean I had that garden which would be amazing.

  12. Ideally, the ocean. A lake or a river would be wonderful.

    If I couldn’t have that, I’d love a ton of trees.

  13. A mountain range of some sort. There’s just something so peaceful about looking out at them – like anything is possible 😊

  14. Ocean & sand view from the back of the house, full garden view from the front.

  15. What a great question.

    I’d love to have anything with a great view of the night sky,like the stars and all.

    For the day time I’d love a view of a mountain or anything scenic.I feel like it’d inspire my creative high.

  16. What a great question.

    I’d love to have anything with a great view of the night sky,like the stars and all.

    For the day time I’d love a view of a mountain or anything scenic.I feel like it’d inspire my creative high.

  17. I have a cool view of the Hollywood sign out my window but a view of the forest would be even better.

  18. Either a look down at the city, or just a bunch of nature. Not like the beach/sea though, more like mountains and trees

  19. I have a dream house. There’s a YouTube channel called The Local Project with beautiful homes mainly located in Australia/New Zealand. There’s this home
    ( https://youtu.be/9gXOBEgHaUM ) and I want that view. I NEED that view

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