What do Americans think about the 22nd Amendment? Do you still think it should be in place?

  1. Term limits are good, we had a big kerfuffle with England over kings and such.

  2. I pretty much oppose any limitation on who Americans can vote for.

    If the American public sees fit to create a quasi-king by electing the same person into office for half a century then I see no reason they should be denied the ability.

    Wow, didn’t think “people should be allowed to vote for who they want” would be this unpopular on Reddit.

  3. I think its generally a good thing.

    Seems we try to bypass that by electing dynasties of sorts (Bush, Clinton, Kennedy).

  4. I think we need to amend it so the law applies to Senators and Congressmen also, having life long career politicians with deep ties to lobbyists just screams corruption

  5. It reminds me that our country had a lot of assumptions about how the different branches would act without actually writing them down in the constitution. The 22 amendment codified what had been practiced for a long time but not actually in the books.

  6. I’m very strongly against it. It was a mistake and should be repealed immediately.

  7. We should keep it. If two terms were enough for Washington, they’re certainly enough for whatever octogenarian occupies the office after 2024.

  8. A compromise would be requiring a supermajority for the third term.

    In any case there is a problem of having four unaccountable years with the present system.

    Extending it to Congress is also a fair idea. Well Congress needs a few experienced people to keep order it also needs a few people who do not make a living as politicians. We have a considerable problem with ivory tower affect.

  9. 100% critical. There *must* be a limit on the number of terms a president can serve otherwise we might get a situation where a sitting president contests the outcome of an election and just stays there. Sure this can happen already but in that case there is at least an end to that person’s time as president no matter what.

  10. Ahhh yes the good ol’ 22nd Amendment and of course I know what it states but why don’t you tell the rest of these dum dums

  11. It’s good for us. I can only see things going wrong if we removed term limits.

  12. It makes sense. No one’s gonna make good decisions after 8 (max 10) years of the pressure and power of that office.

  13. I think it’s a good thing. Eight years is enough time for one person to be president. I don’t believe it should be expanded to include members of Congress because I think the experience they get from many years of service in that capacity actually can have a positive impact on the country. If anything, I’d like to see an amendment requiring prior political service in order for someone to run for president so you don’t get people like Donald Trump just buying their way to the most powerful position in our government with no prior experience.

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