My boyfriend (M24) and I (F24) have been in a happy and healthy relationship for almost 10 years.

In a few weeks, I will be finishing university. Until now, my education has always been my top priority, and I never really considered marriage seriously. However, over the last couple of weeks, I find myself browsing engagement rings and wedding dresses.

I believe this sudden interest in marriage could be because my boyfriend recently purchased a piece of land, and are planning to build a house together. We have been living in a flat together for two years.
Additionally, I just received an incredible job offer with very favorable conditions for when I graduate.

It feels like everything is getting so serious, and I believe this is why I’m suddenly considering marriage. While my boyfriend has previously made it clear that he wants to marry me someday, we have never discussed a wedding timeline.

The only thing that is holding me back is that I think he would also really enjoy proposing to me, and I have always imagined myself being proposed to by him.

However, I don’t really want to ask him directly whether or not he would enjoy being proposed to and spoil the surprise. Do you have any suggestions on how I could navigate this situation?

  1. Talk about timelines first and start planting the seed that that you’d appreciate a proposal. You haven’t given him a chance to pop the question.

  2. Go out shopping, casually stop by and window shop at jewelry, specifically rings

  3. Talk to him about marriage before randomly proposing. Ask what kind of timeline he wants to get engaged/married in.

    I know that society has framed getting engaged as some sort of crazy, surprise proposal that has to be done, but that is just not practical.

    For something as important, costly, and time consuming as a wedding and marriage, you want to be absolutely sure you are both on the same page.

  4. You should definitely marry before you buy land a build a house together as the two are quite close in levels of commitment.

    At the very least make some strong,only thinly veiled hints at marriage.

  5. >we have never discussed a wedding timeline.

    I would start with this. I fee like a proposal should never come out of the blue, and you two should be on the same page.

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