I am currently on holiday with my girlfriend, and as I type this I am sat on my own next to the roof top pool with a cocktail waiting for my girlfriend to get ready.

Her whole routine probably takes at least an hour and I kind of understand why because she wants to look and feel nice and make me take lots of pictures… But does it matter on holiday?

I just think she could be using this time enjoying the sunshine instead of being in the room on her own. We don’t know anyone here, we will just go out for food then maybe a few drinks nothing too daft after our long day and early flight tomorrow.

Does anyone else take this long to get ready on holiday? I understand it depends on the kind of holiday or occasion, and I’m all for people wearing/doing whatever they want I just find it a bit strange “wasting” valuable sunshine time when out of the UK

  1. Yeah, I do. I enjoy getting made up and ready for dinner every night. Not to mention heat and humidity makes your hair wild so it takes longer. Enjoy your drink, she’ll be there in time for the last night sunset pictures 🙂

  2. Mates this is a staple of our holiday when I go away with my partner.

    I go to the bar and drink a mojito and wait for her to come down.

    I love it when she arrives, she’s always beautiful but she’s always especially beautiful when she’s all done up feeling good.

  3. I don’t get ready really. I just have a shower, dry, get dressed and I’m ready for a beer. Luckily my wife is the same and always has been although she prefers a Gin and Tonic. If we are going out then maybe I might run a bit of goo through my hair and my wife might spend a couple of mins deciding what to wear. I have no idea what you would spend an hour on but everyone has different ideas of fun. Makes no odds if we are on holiday or not – life’s too short to fuck around trying to look pretty for pictures..

  4. I do. I spend most of my time at home wearing the same things and no make up, dont go many places to bother getting glam, and don’t like many pictures of myself. When I’m on holiday it’s nice to feel like you have the time to get a bit dressed up, actually do my hair and make up, and try to get some pictures I feel happy about. I don’t do it every night of a holiday but a fair few. Nice to remind my partner I don’t always look like fucking gollum.

  5. Woman here. It takes me the same time to get ready on holiday as it does any other social occasion, which is to say, maybe 10 minutes? I do my hair, get dressed, pack what I need and put on my shoes. But I don’t think it’s a problem if some people take longer, holidays are meant to be about relaxing and feeling your best.

  6. Getting ready can actually be pretty enjoyable! Especially on holiday, no expectations, just putting in the effort for a good night. I expect you at least changed to go out. This is her version of getting changed, just a bit longer.

    Looking and feeling nice is for every occasion, especially on holiday I would have thought? I don’t do makeup on the daily, only if I’m going out for a meal or whatever. Because on the daily I don’t care what I look like because I’m too busy with other things. On holiday, I might, because I have that time and freedom.

  7. I take less long. No one there knows me so I couldn’t give a shit

  8. Getting ready can be fun, especially when you’re away. If you spend most of your week looking less dolled up then go on holiday its a nice change to have time to feel nice and pretty.

  9. Some people like to feel like they’re their best selves to get the most enjoyment out of things. Especially things like holidays. It seems like you do appreciate that this is something she enjoys, even if you can’t really relate. If you could find a way to use the time so you can enjoy waiting time too, that would be ideal.

  10. Many a time when I’ve walked into the bathroom a blotchy, frizzy, greasy mess and emerged cool, calm and made up for a night out. Maybe not so much nowadays though (can’t fly any more due to dodgy hips).

    The worst has been when the people I’ve been with have rushed around and stressed about getting out. The very worst was going on holiday with my family when they had young kids – the time I usually enjoy to watch the sun go down and chill out was the time we had to be packed into cars. Meh.

  11. I would give anything to be sitting by a rooftop pool with a cocktail right now. Just enjoy the serenity man.

  12. Woman here. Takes me longer on holiday cos of the different setting. Shower might work differently, that can add on time, different hair dryer to normal, getting the lighting right for makeup etc. That’s why it takes longer than in our familiar setting with everything around us at home. I agree, she should maybe have 1 or 2 nights where she looks great but why not just chill the other nights and have a break from makeup and spend more time in the pool, out in the sun etc.

  13. It’s her holiday too. If she wants to do her makeup and feel pretty and nice, then she should carry on.

    She isn’t making herself look pretty and nice incase she sees anyone she recognizes, she’s doing it for her, and in a lesser instance, for you. (mostly her)

    Also lots of pictures, that she wants to look her best in. Just, let her be her man. You sound like you’re having a nice time anyway.

  14. Mate the balcony/pool bar beer on holiday whist the mrs is getting ready is the absolute elite part of the whole experience.

    Don’t wish it away, when you are married with kids like me you’ll dream of this 🤣🤣

  15. Not really, shower, dry hair plus a bit of mascara job done ✔️

  16. ” We don’t know anyone here” – she’s getting ready just for you fella, enjoy it

  17. Probably more on holiday than at home but I’m a single mum so I’ve learned to be presentable quickly lol
    I like to spoil myself with a couple of drinks as I get ready on holiday and just take a bit of time as I’m not as rushed.
    Enjoy your holiday and the cocktails. I’m away end of the month… can’t wait fir some r & r.

  18. Haha, you need to enjoy that precious time the “man” way, crack a beer, watch the sunset and think of how great the evening to come will be

  19. It takes me longer to get ready on holiday than at home.

    Chlorine in pool water turns my hair into straw unless I use intensive conditioner that needs to be left in for 5 mins whereas at home a combined shampoo and conditioner is fine.

  20. I usually find a comfy spot to read my book during this time. Have done since I was a child waiting for my mum to get ready.

  21. My gf takes like 2 hours to do hair, make up etc. If we are on holiday or at a hotel etc we tend to pre drink together and listen to music/watch shit while she gets ready. If we were at home I might spend the time getting a bit of xbox in while she gets ready before we go out.

  22. In the daytime – no. To go out in the evening – probably about the same amount of time – maybe more if it’s hot / humidity is messing up my hair. I find the getting ready process fun / relaxing – especially if I’m listening to my favourite songs and having a few drinks at the same time.

    Head outside and have a drink in the evening sunshine while you wait for her and then gasp and give her compliments when she arrives ❤️

  23. Mate… girls.

    To elaborate: I get it. My missus can spend an hour or more getting ready and she looks less attractive to me than when she’s got 5 minutes to turn it around and get out the door.

    Dunno what it is with girls. They dont want to look pretty to us, they want to look pretty for themselves and / or everyone else. If I say to my missus, “you look lovely” as we are about to leave the house she thinks I’m being insincere. When she makes a REAL effort for the world, I don’t have my girlfriend on my arm. I get a CHARICATURE, some persona that she’s spent hours crafting for the benefit of everyone else but least of all me. I get a girl I don’t recognise. But I MUST NOT say that. I must just approve and validate. Or else my night is ruined. Girls can’t accept it that we mean it when we say that they look lovely, and we’d prefer it if they just relaxed. Venus and Mars and all that. Good luck to you fella, I feel it as does every other male here.

    I wake up next to my girlfriend every morning as I have for the last 9 years her breath is rancid, her hair is all over the place and she’s still lovely to me. But that’s not enough. They need to feel lovely for themselves apparently. I kinda get it and I go with it. But we love them anyway don’t we?

  24. Mate, one of my most favourite parts of the holiday is this golden hour.

    We leave the pool, I jump in the shower (the sweet relief of not wearing swim shorts anymore and the netting not being all up in your business) and then sit on the balcony reading and drinking a nice cold room beer. Maybe treat myself to a little holiday cigar as well….

    If she takes particularly long then I head down to the bar to get us a decent seat and order a couple of drinks, sit in the dying rays of the sun, and watch the world go by….

    Fuck it, I’m booking a holiday now

  25. Personally, not really, never have been one for much. I’m clean tidy, moisturise and maybe a little powder. But I find it all such a chore

  26. I find that even though I adore my fiance, having a while also me to get ready and chill out a little bit is nice.
    Let’s face it, it’s probably the most time you spend together solidly so sometimes just a little break is nice.
    Also she might be pooping.

  27. I love my wife beyond compare and I love spending as much time as physically possible with her – that being said, the one or two cold beverages on a holiday early evening on my own as she gets ready is one of life’s absolute blisses.

  28. The quiet beer on your own in anticipation of a lovely night on holiday is one of the best beers out there. Enjoy it and cherish it.

  29. Depends, we’re in Budapest at the moment and my partner takes 10 minutes to get ready because we’re out stomping around all day in walking boots with backpacks on.

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