** If you don’t want to read the whole story, just scroll down to the last paragraph to get the advices**

I’ve been reading the posts on this sub and seen many people asking how does men can last longer. And actually that’s the one thing I excel at on sex so I will write the journey I went to, in order to control my orgasms and I hope my experience and advices can help you or your partner.

To begin with I must say that on my first sexual experiences I didn’t have at all any control on my orgasms. The first two times I had sex (around 17 years) I was too drunk and did and awfuk performance (didn’t even cum), and third time I came within 10 seconds ๐Ÿ™ƒ.

From that point on I was worried about being a premature ejaculator, as I knew, even with my lack of sex knowledge, that that isn’t desired at all. So in my next few sexual experiences, I did the tricks that are portraited mainly in movies, like thinking of something else while about to cum (which I think is the stupidest advice, as you should be in the moment focusing your attention on your partner), or doing some math problems. None of those worked, I didn’t last as little as the 10 seconds time, but also didn’t last enough to please my partners (not that I actually was able to ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was just a horny inexperienced teenager).

Anyways, few years later I ended up having a girlfriend whom I was with for about 6 years. I was her first sexual partner and we discovered and embraced our sexuality together throughout the years we were together. And it was in this years when I learned how to control my orgasms.

Luckily, about the same period of time when I met her, I had a psychology class with a professor who was also a sex therapist. He was always talking openly about sex and one time he gave to the class a golden advice. He said “guys, when you watch porn you tend to make the mistake of masturbating fast and reaching orgasms quickly, that will lead you to premature ejaculation when having sex”. He advice us to not do that, and instead make the masturbating sessions longer.

So from then on I stared to had this 45 – 60 min masturbating sessions where I felt like ejaculating at least 5 times. This made me be familiarized and in control with the sensation of cuming. And with the practice I reduce the times I needed to cum to just once, when my session had to finish.

This practice had a good impact on my performance, as I could last at least 30min fucking, which was a great improvement. But I still wasn’t satisfied yet. Every time I felt the need to cum, while having sex, I just couldn’t controlt it. I wanted to improve that because I was aiming to please my girlfriend (who is a very orgasmic person) as much as possible. So in order to achieve more of her orgasms I knew I needed to last even longer.

Researching on the topic I found what I’m sure you already know something about: the Kegel exercises. This are more common on women as it can help them in many ways, but I think that the majority of men just don’t care about doing them.

Anyways, I found this advice on a book about male and female orgasms, and what it mainly said was that doing this exercise will strength some of the muscules down there than can, if wanted, stop the ejaculation. This just feels like being about to pee but then suddenly stopping the flood.

Since then I started to do the Kegel exercises anytime I could, and tried to combine both advices. So I would have this long masturbating sessions then when feeling like cuming I would tried to stop it. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t.

I ended up practicing this with my girlfriend, and for the first times it was really difficult. When I felt like cuming I would get my dick out and just stop whatever I was doing and make a great effort to stop the ejaculation. I falied sometimes, but succeeded some many others. With the time this practice became easier, and then I didn’t need to get my dick out, and when I became a pro, I didn’t even need to stop fucking.

Years went by, I ended the relationship with this girl. And started having a promiscuous single life ๐Ÿ˜œ . I don’t want to brag but this journey following the two advices I talked about had made me be in total control of my orgasms. I don’t need the super long masturbating sessions anymore, sometimes I just want to cum quickly as I have adult stuff to do haha, and I would go just for 5min. Anyhow, this is irrelevant now to my performance in sex as I can cum whenever I want. I have had 3 – 4 hour sex sessions and I think if it wasn’t because after that long it starts to not feel great for anyone, I could last even longer.

So I hope you find this helpful. Remember:

1. Do not finish quickly while masturbating. Try to prolongue as possible your ejaculation. Aim to last more than 30min masturbating (the longer the period, the better). If you feel the need to cum, stop till the feeling goes away, and then go back at it.

2. Do the Kegel exercises anytime you can. Your pelvic floor muscles will become stronger and eventually you will have the ability to stop your ejaculation if needed.

Following this two advices together will lead you (in a long term) to fully control your orgasms.

My best wishes โœŒ๏ธ

  1. As someone with kids and both of us having full-time jobs, we don’t often have time for an hour of pounding…there are lots of other things to explore than just piv pound town…

  2. That’s something to be proud of assuming it’s true and not some post about being superman when your more like mighty mouse

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