What’s something that makes you ashamed when you think about it?

  1. The stupid shit I did in college, I hung out with a lot of extreme feminists, some did really really really stupid dangerous shit and I got roped into it a lot of the time

    Looking back on it I wish I had nothing to do with the stuff they did.

  2. An Erdoğan fan in Turkey, a woman, once said at a rally “We are the pubic hair of Erdoğan’s ass!” I think I have never been more embarrassed on someone else’s behalf.

  3. How much time I’ve wasted in my life when I could’ve been doing things mote productive.

  4. The amount of times I replaced my meals with chocolate bars. I’m an adult for fuck’s sake, I should be better than that.

  5. The EMTs having to carry my fat ass up a hill after my car wreck. I could tell they were struggling. Then when I got to the hospital they had to cut all my clothes off me. I remember sobbing out of shame until the anesthesia hit.

  6. I burn with shame when I think about how long I stayed in an abusive relationship.

  7. That I didn’t reach out for help when I needed it the most and did literally nothing whole days because of how bad my condition got. Now I have no memories from like past decade, no stories to tell, no friends. And ironically all of it because I was ashamed of asking for help.

  8. We shouldn’t shame but come to comfort and understand why we think about certain thoughts, not all thoughts are thoughts you need to keep nor say they are your own. If they are thoughts you do not wish to have place them in an open field where they can roam free while you observe and take notes. Ask yourself where did these thoughts come from, how are they behaving, where are they placed, what are they saying? If you have seen what you must then you wish it farewell and for those thoughts to heal themselves, teach your mind to be kind to yourself and to be gentle. We must not shame for things we simply don’t understand.

  9. That this great country that we used to have is falling apart and making women second class citizens again. Who will they come for next the African-American man? Nobody is safe. I thought this land was supposed to be the American dream. How is getting made a second class citizen or sex great or good or dream. The luxury tax on tampons. This nation used to stand for something and in my humble opinion and not putting anybody down or making fun of anybody, it is deteriorating faster than a snowball going through hell. And for all you people that are listening childhood trauma and stuff like that, you need to understand you don’t have anything to be ashamed of unless you did it to someone else. This is my humble opinion and the truth unless you did do it and if you did do it I’m not making fun of you or calling you a piece of s*** person but if the shoe fits wear it. If something bad happened to you you should not feel ashamed because you didn’t do anything, it was done to you.

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