Do you and your partner split finances evenly? Why or why not?

  1. We are married and have fully combined, fully joint finances, so we don’t split anything. It’s all “our” money and all of our bills and needs are paid with it without concerning ourselves about whose paycheck it came from.

  2. Right now, yes. We’re both able to afford it and we just feel more comfortable that way.

    We’ve split it 70/30 when I was in between jobs.

  3. Yea. We’re married so now our accounts are combined, but ever since we moved in together years ago we’ve always split everything. At least in the way of, I send him money every paycheck & he handles all our bills. I own a business so I have the business bills to deal with so it works out even.

  4. We have a shared account

    The reason we have a shared account is because my income is very unreliable since I’m self employed but luckily he’s got a regular job so he can afford to pay all our bills and such

  5. No, because the amounts of money we each make are vastly different so that wouldn’t be equitable.

  6. We do. I’m the breadwinner, but we are financially comfortable and he pays his half.

  7. We’re married and our finances are fully combined, so nothing is split.

  8. My partners and I split our finances according to our ability. The one who makes the least amount of money pays the least, the one who makes the most pays the most, someone who has extra bills from paying off a car or debts pays a bit less towards rent because we want to help each other out.

  9. We have separated accounts but the money is ours, so it doesn’t matter which one of us pays.

  10. Everything went into the family pot. We moved an amount to individual accounts for personal spending. This avoided a lot of conflict regarding unbudgeted spending. We discussed unbudgeted things that we felt should be spent out of the family fund.

  11. We split time and money evenly. I earn twice as much as my husband and as long as we split money, free time should also be even. I work about 20 more hours than him per week, so he does more chores.

    Before we got kids we paid the same amount of money into joint accounts and did chores 50/50. That meant that I had less free time, but more money rhan him.

  12. We just moved in together. We’re still working out how things are going to be split. We’re trying for even though.

  13. We have always combined/shared finances. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 7 yrs.

  14. We’re at about 60/40 with bills. My fiance pays more because he makes more than I do. That’s about the ratio we are at.

  15. No, he makes a lot more than me so he pays for more, though I do contribute a lot. We quickly fell into a system where we each pay for certain things in our lives which makes it easy. We have all separate bank accounts and credit cards except for combined extra savings accounts that we are not allowed to touch unless we both agree on the reason.

  16. No we don’t. Main reason being that we have kept our finances separate, and pull from our individual income and savings. There’s a significant gap between our incomes (he makes 3x more than me) so for us, it doesn’t make sense to split things 50/50.

    For example, if we split the mortgage and hoa expenses down the middle, my share would be 40%+ of my income, and it would only be around 15% of his. So he would have plenty of funds to save, but I would not. Instead, we split relative to our personal income and go by what we could each reasonably afford on our own while still being able to save each month.

  17. He doesn’t have any income, so all expenses are on me.
    All money we have is considered our money. We’re married and use my bank account.

  18. No. We keep our finances separate. We are both just more comfortable that way, even though we are aware that being married means we jointly own everything. I don’t want him seeing every little purchase I make and I don’t want to see every little purchase he makes. We both work and earn our own money so we should be able to spend it as we like and have a bit of privacy about it.

    For shared expenses like rent and bills, we split everything, but not exactly evenly. I earn double his salary so I contribute a bit more, which is fair.

  19. we’re dating but no, he pays rent, I pay food, kids, horses, utilities, and house items but he makes more so it evens out

  20. We don’t because well I don’t know it became natural even if I prefer that we split evenly we always end up fully paying without even realizing

  21. We don’t yet, but when we move into together we do have a plan to split bills 50/50.
    Personally, I think this is the way it should be, you’re sharing a home and a life, why should one person be expected to pay more of or all the bills if you live together.

  22. We do basically the opposite of that. We pool our money and each of us takes a fixed monthly amount for discretionary use.

  23. Pretty much yeah. We split bills based on income, and currently have very similar incomes. There have a been a few months here and there where one of us has a job and the other doesn’t, and then the one with a job pays most of the bills.

  24. Everything is “our” money, there’s no real splitting of finances.

    He pays for the mortgage and puts into our savings.

    I pay for everything else, because I’m the organiser and the one who actually keeps track of our budget and expenses.

  25. We try to be pretty even, but it’s not totally 50/50 all of the time. We have been together for 8 years, living together for 7 and bought a house just a year and a half ago. We’ve gone through career changes, my finishing my degree, and so some years or some months one of us contributes a little more to bills and stuff depending on who is making more. We are in a place now where it’s mostly even, but split up differently. I am making more now than I was when we met and he is back to making the same or more than what he was before he started his business.

    Mortgage comes out of my account, and the utilities and insurance and property tax come out of his accounts because he is able to write off a portion of it with his business tax (home based business).

    If there are any other expenses that come up that aren’t scheduled – like vet stuff or house stuff we sort of go back and forth paying but we don’t like keep track or anything.

    Usually the amount of other bills combined and the mortgage are roughly the same.

    I have all my RRSP and TFSA and life insurance payments coming out of the same account as the mortgage and that’s all the account is used for. I have a separate account for what we kind of call “fun money” but also for groceries which we roughy trade off paying for (again we don’t keep track)

    Edited to add that he has his own personal and business accounts – none of our bank accounts are shared. For no reason other than it’s a big hassle to combine them.

    Really since we bought the house and rearranged it this was I’ve been able to keep track of my money and spending way better and I feel like, pretty stable. I haven’t had a panic attack about our finances in like a whole year (used to be every single month)

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