It’s been about 7 years, living with and loving my partner, now. They(26F)mean the world to me, and I(24M) would give everything I have to make them feel safe and secure in our relationship.
The thing is, I keep forgetting SIMPLE THINGS. It’s so stupid. The degree and frequency which I can forget something important they share with me is embarrassing. Sometimes it’s a few days later, sometimes it can be right after they just tell me or ask me to do somthing. I have read books, watched videos, made little notes, but nothing sticks, nothing lasts, and they suffer for it. My relationship is strained to the brink, and I don’t want it to end. I don’t wanna be an inconsiderate jerk. I care, and I want to put the work in to show it. Please, if anyone can give me some help, some advice, some guidance, anything, you’d be saving my whole world.

Why do I keep forgetting things so much in my relationship and what can I do to fix it?

  1. I think at the end of the day most things like this come down to a lack of self-discipline.

    I have/had the same issue when I was younger, like your age. Forgetting things that should be done, doing things and not finishing.

    I say have still because I believe that if i let up on my routine I would fall back to it eventually. But its been over 2 decades so maybe not, but better safe than sorry.

    I started working on self discipline around your age. I started with writing down my goals. Not grand goals, which I never had a real problem with. The little goals. So like cleaning my back yard for example. but I would break that down to sections. Mowing lawn. Weed eating. Pruning. Watering. For me the trick was to start the work as soon as I wrote them down, and not stopping until my whole list was finished. It’s been 2 decades of this, and I feel like it has worked, I don’t want to change it, but it helps me to do what needs to be done. Maybe it will help you.

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