I’ve never been in a romantic relation ship or asked a girl out (anxiety) and never been asked out idk if im ugly or something else im also bad at starting convos and idk any pickup lines ive tried dating apps but they usually msg me then i respond then left on delivered or read idk how to talk to women pls help its really affecting me mentally and i dont say anything creepy or weird just “hey” i tried “you’re beautiful” once and “you have pretty eyes” that stuff just doesnt seem genuine to me so i usually try to come up with something but my anxiety stops me from saying it what do i do

  1. Force yourself to socialize more. The more you just talk to people, the more comfortable you get. You’ll never become an extrovert, but can increase your anxiety tolerances. Giving in to anxiety will just make it worse over time.
    Don’t try to “pick up” anyone, just make it a goal to have a conversation of any kind. Don’t ask yes or no questions. Ask questions that require full sentence answers, which you can then respond to.

  2. Maybe start with “hey, can I ask a quick question? What’s the hardest part about talking to someone you just met?”
    It’s an innocent question that makes them think a little and opens the door for you to mention that you have anxiety, which will give them more understanding of where you’re coming from

  3. Sending too generic openers won’t spark any interest. Also, think about your mindset when you are trying to message, we tend to forget that if you’re feeling anxious and trying to text, this is most probably going to come through.

    Get yourself out there, it will be uncomfortable before you get comfortable, but it will give you the momentum to keep going and highlight the areas where you may need to work on.

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