For me it’s 63. Have felt like that was the age I’d die since I was very young.

  1. My mum died at 40, so once I hit 41 I felt like I was invincible, ten years on and I’m knackered now at 7.30.

  2. I’d be pretty pissed off if I felt old at 63, several years before retirement age.

    I’d like to go out in a freak skydiving accident aged 80 please.

  3. Every year is a bonus at any age.

    Happy to go at seventy though, or earlier. I’m fifty five now.

  4. I want to see Halley’s comet twice. It’s due in 2061, I’ll be 88.

  5. I mean, for me it was 21. And every year since really has felt like a bonus.

  6. The way I’m behaving and when males in my family kick out? I’ll be glad if I reach 55.

  7. I came fairly close to being stillborn, so “one second,” and the bonus is going well

  8. My dad died on the day after his 64th birthday. I made it to 64 so anything more is a bonus

  9. I nearly drowned when I was 8, so everyday since has been a bonus and I appreciate every day

  10. Recently decided I have a crippling fear of death and need to live forever so I can continue to look after my son.

  11. My nan is 76 and she looks like she’s sort of getting over it. Not in a horrible way but she gets tired very easily, often has little interest in things outside of being a home and watching the chase, and is in a decent amount of pain most of the time.

    I think the thing she’s enjoying is seeing how her grandkids and grand nieces/nephews will spend their lives once she’s gone. In the last year three of us have gotten married, had kids, etc

    I think after all of that’s in motion she’ll be okay.

    So I think when I’m at that stage/age I’ll be okay

  12. 75. I want at least 10 years of my retirement.

    Once I start going doolally, that’s when I want the pillow over my face or a fuck load of codeine and just drift off…

  13. 60 and I’ll be happy.. I’ve done some amazing things in life.. major highs and as many major lows. I don’t have kids to worry about. I’d be happy to tap out at 60.. I’ve basically got 16 years left. (I’m going to live until 100 aren’t I 😂)

  14. 45. It’s mid way between my dad’s death, and my mum’s. I hit it in about a month, fingers crossed.

  15. 39.

    Two of my grandparents and most of the females within the last 11 generations of my family tree did not live that long.

  16. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. We need to change our perspective on death.

  17. The male side of my family has never made it past 58, so that’s my target.

    Nature seems to have other plans. Despite (relatively) healthy lifestyle, parts of me are breaking faster and faster… im late 30’s so its not looking to good.

  18. 32. I’m 36 now. The last 4 years have been the best yet.

    Lesson learned: don’t expect too much from yourself and you’ll do just fine.

  19. I’ve always had the mindset that when I die it will be on my own terms and when I decide unless by some cruel twist of fate an accident happens and beats me too it, but I will be gone by 80.

  20. It was 45 for me. I suppose I didn’t believe I’d live longer. Terribly glad to still be here though 🙂

  21. 45. I’m 44 in a few days. I could always picture 45, and always thought that would be a cool year, but I’ve never been able to picture life after 45. Flip side, I’m nowhere near as cool as I picture at 45, and don’t have enough money or grey hair yet, so maybe I’ve calibrated incorrectly.

  22. My dad passed at 72, his dad at 74. I feel like if I make it to 75, it’s a bonus.

  23. I was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect in 2009 – dilated aortic root, bicuspid aortic valve, right bundle branch block. None of these things are unmanageable but I feel that every day I get is a bonus. If I make 60 that’ll be amazing (I’m 40 now).

  24. 40. I’m 29 nearly 30 with 3 kids and a husband but I’ve struggled with mental health and have anxiety that somethings going to take me out around that age. I want to live and enjoy a long life with my family, but doom hangs above my head.

  25. In my family the youngest siblings always die first and guess who’s the youngest in my branch? So anything past my current age 54 is a bonus

  26. 60s would be a shame

    70s would be what I’m expecting

    80s I’m not sure I’d want to live that long

  27. My family is prone to dementia so don’t want to wish too old just in case I get it. I know that’s a bit negative but if I get there without then fair enough

  28. 37. I came far too close to dying when I was 37 and I feel like every day since had been a bonus (even the very shitty ones).

    I’ve just turned 47 🙌🏻

  29. Sister died at 29, I’m 33 now, everyday that feels sickening that my big sister 5 years older than me will be forever younger than me now

    Died at 29 and 360 days

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