I’m asking this question bmhere because I felt there would be experienced writers here, and yall give the best and factual advice tbh.

So basically, I am a writer and looking for ways to gain more experience for my resume . I’ve looked everywhere and still can’t seem to find something. Just me here sitting on my hands and writing my own samples. What i can do then to build it up or be better?

  1. What kind of writing? Generally the answer is to practice as much as possible. I’m an illustrator, not a writer, but my advice is the same: build up your portfolio by creating your own samples on subjects you care about–the work you show in your portfolio is typically the same kind of work people will hire you for. Do a ton, cherry-pick the best ones to show, and keep working/replacing the weakest ones.

    Is there a non-profit or volunteer organization you care about that you could donate your services to, just to get more experience under your belt? Maybe join a local critique group and/or ask other professionals for feedback.

  2. Hi. I’m a professional writer in every sense of the word.

    Step One, which is mostly ignored by everyone but is fatal if you don’t follow: Read. Read. Read a lot.

    Read novels. Read non-fiction. Read poetry.

    Step Two: Write in your spare time for fun. Write scripts. Write stories. Write fun little whatevers.

    Step Three: If you want experience, freelance write blog posts. I started my writing ‘career’ by writing book reviews for an alternative paper. Then I wrote blog posts about crypto for a now-defunct online magazine.

  3. > bmhere

    Proofreading. Literally read it out loud to yourself before sending. Something about hearing it makes it sound different than your internal voice and makes it easier to detect issues.

  4. “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.” -Stephen King

  5. Create a social media presence as a writer. Get a Medium account. Do cool shit and write about it. Share it far and wide. If something resonates, pitch it websites/publications that would be aligned with the subject matter.

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