So I started a job at a pretty big business, and I’m a relatively quiet person, I don’t speak unless spoken to, which I know is seen as anti-social.
I don’t partake in bad-mouthing people, and I try to see people’s good qualities and keep the things I dislike to myself. When I first started, I noticed a lot of racist/homophobic commentary going around and I made it clear that I didn’t agree and to keep it away from me.

From that point, they started saying I was too opinionated, which is okay I guess. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.
I stopped communicating as much, just enough to be polite, and I keep to myself, but the talk keeps escalating, and I catch bits almost every single day.

We’re in academy training, I got a 100% on a test, so they’re saying I must have cheated.
If I talk, they make comments about the opinions I share. (during discussions, if directly asked. That’s why I stopped partaking.)

Now that I don’t partake, they say I’m stuck up. My instructor asked who was in college outside of work and I raised my hand along with several others, now they’re saying I’m trying too hard by working and being in school.

Today I heard them saying I don’t take care of/love my kids since I’m working.

They talk poorly about me, and almost everything I do.

The fact that I use the gym after work (I must be working out for attention)

Being in college (trying too hard)

Working (don’t love my kids)

Talking (too opinionated)

Not talking (stuck up)

I feel like nothing I do is right and I don’t know how to fix it or what I’m doing wrong to make these people hate me so much.

  1. >I don’t know how to fix it or what I’m doing wrong to make these people hate me so much.

    Why is it your responsibility to fix things? Why do you feel like you’re doing omitting wrong when it’s clear that they are the ones doing something wrong?

  2. Hi, they’re jerks. However, that being said, workplaces are much easier when you have friends.

    I HATED my workplace. I made friends and things got so much better. I still hated my boss, but coworkers who had my back made things so much better.

  3. You answer to you and your value system, not them. It sounds like a toxic environment. Can you talk with your boss about it? If not, put your headphones on and stay focused on your work.

  4. Fuck ’em.

    They have proven that they *will* find fault with anything you do, no matter the reason, regardless of sense. And racists and homophobes are entitled to their beliefs as long as those troglodytes keep that garbage to themselves.

    They upset that you ruined their hate-party, and now they take it out on you.

    I would take into consideration where you boss stands with all of this, and more importantly where you stand with your boss.

    Co-workers are co-workers. Not friends. And these don’t sound like people anyone would want as friends. Again I say “Fuck ‘Em.” Get on the bosses good side, and if it’s gotten this bad then if you are in a position to do so, or a geographical location to have this as an option, it might be time to get your boss involved, actually. Everyone talks big about handling things themselves. That’s bullshit machismo useless nonsense. It’s true in some places, but still bullshit.

    A supervisor’s job is to supervise their team, and work towards cohesion and cooperation. They’re not gonna make them stop talking smack, but they can introduce possible consequences for the fact that it could be said to be impacting your ability to perform your job.

  5. Short update, today I’m being told it’s my fault a coworker’s engine blew in his vehicle. As he followed behind me on the way to work (I guess we take the same route?) And he felt the need to keep pace with my car.

    It’s becoming laughable and I will take you guys advice for sure.
    Fuck em, and if it keeps up, I will be contacting my boss because it’s nutty

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