So I met with my GF (18) today, just a few hours ago. We were alone, one thing lead to another, yada yada.

I firstly got some problems introducing my D. First time for me, not for her. After a while, I noticed that I literally didn’t felt anything at all. I was hard, really excited, but had no sensation.

We tried some positions, one thing, another, but it just didn’t worked out.

She already had sex, and said that it’s great, but that she wasn’t feeling anything, and neither was I.

I honestly was disappointed by how much sex is hyped, but I’m sure something happened.

So, my D is like 13 centimeters (I’m not American so I don’t know who much is that in inches), and I’m circumcised.

We used a condom that was texturizised for maximum pleasure or something like that, but as I said, none of us felt anything.

It was way more satisfying to just rub ourselves or make out, lol.

After that, I made her cum with my fingers and we just continued the day as usual. But now I’m wondering, ¿what exactly happened?

¿Should I be worried?

  1. Circumcised and used a condom…same thing happens to me. I don’t use them and I stay monogamous. It’s been the only way.

  2. If you had your foreskin cut off you probably lost sensation in the tip, this is the case for a lot of circumcised people, over exposure to sensitive skin on your clothes has messed up your nerves, gold luck, I hope you can find other ways of getting off that satisfies you both

  3. It’s your fist time. You had never done something like that. It’s normal to have problems the first few times. Sex is different than playing solo. It takes some time before you learn how you like it and how you girlfriend enjoys. If you take your time and have patience you will see that with time it will steadily improve. It’s better without a condom, but I wouldn’t assume that the preservative is the reason. I would suggest that you and your gf keep trying while being communicative with each other and staying open minded

  4. Long story short, sounds to me like you just had the absolutely normal first-time experience. It’s never going to be about the first time after this, it’s all about what you can keep learning that every time is better not just for you, but her too.

    I’m circumcised and welcome to the world of average-size penises, you’re in good company. It sounds like practice is going to just make perfect. Try different angles and different positions. With your size, I would suggest when in missionary, lean into her a little where your D is rubbing towards the top of the vaginal canal, reach behind her and support/prop her ass up a little with your hands while balancing yourself and not putting all your weight on her (work that core buddy) practice making a 3 deep and 1 short stroke. Get rhythmic and mentally practice a salsa-type style of dance in your head while inside. You guys will find your rhythm together in time and you’ll blow like a cannon on a hot day full of gunpowder during the American Civil War. And to reiterate, condom, condom, condom brother, this is just the beginning of a long and beautiful journey, don’t lose control of it by being weak.

    Side note: Tongue work, tongue work, tongue work. If you think you’re really good at oral, you can always be better. Read some books, watch some YouTube videos, and always keep learning. There are some really good podcasts out there too, I like “Sex With Emily” and “Marni the Wing Girl”. There was a guy named Jason Julius on YouTube that I learned a ton from, I would suggest going through their back library and picking some episodes out that sound interesting towards your sexual evolution. Both are active on social and if you can’t seem to get your A game squared away, ask some experts for suggestions. Good man for getting completion with your fingers, but that’s only a small part of what you can offer her if you learn what you’re doing with your whole body.

    Hoist the flag and keep on plundering that booty there matey!!!

  5. I have never cummed through intercourse. I’m already fairly insensitive from over masturbating when I was younger (my theory anyway). Still love sex though!

  6. 90% of condoms I have used that are for pleasure and normally for her. But I never had this problem when first having sex, but now that I’m older I find that I’m not getting any pleasure at all which is a good thing for her as she gets longer play time before sex and then of cause longer times for penetration.

    But as I have read from some of the other comments it is normal for you to not feel anything. For the first couple times but you will get there it just takes time

  7. Super wet with a condom….sounds legit normal bro, no worries. Try another brand like a thin or sensitive tip and it will be better, check your fit with your kit. She was probably just super wet or you used too much lube

  8. Does the condom have some extra bumps over it?

    Was the condom a bit thicker?

    I used the Skyn intense feel or something in that line and my D didnt like that all. I could not even cum.

    Then I bought the Skyn Ultra Thin and Ultra soft one, hot damn, it felt good using that one.

  9. Try using skyn condoms, they’re thinner so you should be able to feel more… Also being circumcised you will have lost a bit of feeling because of it Being free roam in your boxers and it kinda gets ” hardened” to sensations..

  10. the super wet/ condom argument is entirely valid and looking into different brands and fits but i feel compelled to say that the way young men jerk off now a days is lowkey detrimental to partnered sexual experiences. Stop jerking off entirely or only do it once or twice a week and when you do fly solo put an end to the death grip. we can squeeze our dicks with our hands wayyyy harder than a vagina could ever simulate when wet, I recommend switching to a loose lubricated jerk to best prepare for sex.

  11. Huh? I woulda thought the first time would be the most sensitive. Wonder how that works

  12. I was told yesterday the average vagina depth Is 2-4inches when unaroused and 4-8inches when aroused. So don’t fear op, you fit nicely 🙂

  13. I suspect anxiety, being the first time, dominated the pleasure center. It gets better.

  14. I believe is anxiety, every time im with a new girlfriend it happens to me , sometimes i dont even get hard for the first weeks ,but then it improves when u take confidence with the person..

  15. You’re so use to masturbating with your hand. You’re probably doing a “death grip” and it’s not the same sensation as a vagina. I’d stop masturbating for awhile if you want sex to be better.

  16. I’m also circumcised and unusually don’t feel a thing with a condom on, so sex with condoms doesn’t work for me. Can’t keep an erection going with no sensation. Without a condom it’s a bit better, but I still get the feeling it doesn’t feel as good as it should. I really think that circumcision limits the pleasure we can feel.

  17. Not at all, first time for men are not always as pleasant as most of us imagine. My first time I felt pain and I couldn’t even cum, the girl with I was having sex probably enjoyed it as she was pretty wet. The next time I had sex, I enjoyed a lot, I didn’t feel pain at all.

  18. Ditch the condom and that’ll fix your problem. Don’t forget to pull out.

  19. For some guys (like me) lube completely numbs any parts it’s applied to.

    I would also refrian from masturbating for awhile. That can kill feeling down there,

  20. Circumcised could be the issue, for me I was cut near 12, spent years ‘playing’ with it in a bad way. My hand used to rub the head a lot, it became very dry and desensitised completely. My first experience was the same. I then would moisturise daily and slowly it got better!

  21. Welcome to the wonderful world of condoms. They suck. The majority of people don’t use them and primarily people online like to preach that they always use them but I promise there are no/very few saints.

    You’re an adult and unprotected sex comes with risk. Mitigate risk in a way that you’re both comfortable with if you should decide together to no longer use condoms.

  22. High likelihood the condom is squeezing you too much.

    Get a custom fit condom brand.

  23. My first time was the same way. She gave me a bj but I couldn’t even tell she was doing anything at all. I couldn’t tell even if I was hard or not. Felt absolutely nothing whatsoever except occasional pain. I think years of getting off via masturbation damages nerves. I’ve had sex more often and can now feel it slightly though sometimes if it’s over stimulated it goes numb again. My advice is stop masturbating as often, maybe even cut it out for a while if you can, (I’m talking weeks or months) and you will improve

  24. Well since it was your first time maybe you were overly excited and that can trigger it. The mind and penis are connected and can control everything even sensation. I’m sure you try it again it will be better. She’s 18 I’m sure she’s rather tight there. I’m 54f I can make my guys moan even your age. It just says she has to learn to use her muscles too but like I said she’s young and tight. Just try it again maybe be more relaxed to enjoy the pleasure. Also go slow you both will enjoy it better.

  25. It was probably the condom more so than anything. Try getting the thinnest ones possible

  26. Condoms labled “Her pleasure” condoms have a numbing agent to make you last longer.

  27. I think you probably beat your meat too much or were having high expectations

  28. It was kinda like that for me to and I am around 16-17 cm .

    It felt better later on and I think it is mostly psychological.

    Sex is hyped and pressured so much in both media and society that for many it will be never be as great as you imagined it. It can be particularly bad for guys (especially if you grew up during the 2000’s) since there is such a high pressure to loose your virginity before you hit your late 20’s.

  29. Hi I’m a female & I think it could be the condom! I’ve noticed that I don’t feel any sensation with a condom on. It takes the pleasure of your veins and raw throbbing away from us.

  30. Hi I’m a female & I think it could be the condom! I’ve noticed that I don’t feel any sensation with a condom on. It takes the pleasure of your veins and raw throbbing away from us.

  31. This happens to men. The first time my husband and I had sex, he kept going soft. I knew it was the dynamics of the situation, and being under pressure. It’s actually happened for no reason at all over the years as well. Not often at all…but it really bothers him. I can only imagine how that would feel.
    But also, the condom itself could be the problem. Ngl, condoms can get in the way of good sex. It’s nice to not be single for that specific reason.
    Also, sex is not overrated. I see people say that often, and I guess for some, it can be. And when sex is just ok… That’s fine. But when sex is good, it’s absolutely wonderful.. Give it time…

  32. Had a similar experience my first time. I thought sex was gonna be the greatest feeling ever, but once it was happening, I felt underwhelmed. We ended up stopping after a while because nothing was happening. There was nothing wrong, we just weren’t used to it yet. As weird as it sounds, there’s an adjustment period to sex. If you masturbate, back off for a bit until you have sex again, you’re conditioning yourself to react to a certain feeling. Give it some time, you’ll be fine

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