Was it an accomplishment, family, relationship, job? Or did you just learn to love the present day?

  1. It’s when I could afford to turn my heating on and not worry too much about groceries. I realised I had hit a level of comfortable living that I didn’t really need to exceed to live a happy, healthy life. Everything else (financially) is just gravy.

  2. When I overcame 5 years worth of depression, stopped attempting to do everything according to my parents schedule, told myself to stop being so afraid of growing up you fucking donkey it’s gonna happen no matter what, and started pursuing things I genuinely wanted to pursue – switched fields, began getting more into dance, travelled and did more adrenaline pumping things. All of this lead me to love myself and love my current life and that was how I knew I’d made it.

  3. Recently had my first ever credits in a AAA video game, something I’ve dreamed about for over 3 decades.

  4. For me it’s when I started my own business a few years ago and finally didn’t have to constantly worry about money or income.
    The 10 first years of my career I was really struggling to make ends meet all the time, when that changed there was a feeling of peace coming over me.

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