A possible boyfriend or girlfriend

  1. I would say probably not. Most people are just there for a workout and don’t want to be hit on.

  2. The gym is and still remains one of the top 5 places people meet each other and form relationships. I’m pretty sure back in the day, it was ranked number 1 social spot, but the gym is a great place to meet likeminded people, especially when you become a regular and start to become familiar with the other regulars, you kind of form this bond with the people you casually see at the gym.

    Although the gym is a fairly social place, there are many people who purely just go to the gym to workout and not talk with random people they don’t know. I’m one of them, but I have a fairly decent amount of people I know and would say what’s up to, but I never go out of my way to talk to people and interrupt them in the middle of their workout.

    I would say don’t go to the gym just to meet people, which I’m sure you wanted to go for other reasons but don’t expect for people to be forthcoming to you automatically.

  3. You can meet people anywhere.. even on here (don’t) but just doing events around town or whatever you can meet people, just try get out to social things, gym is a good way though but a lot of people there also struggle with dating and that’s the reason they’re there lol

  4. I think absolutely if you do it right. Don’t interrupt a set and don’t make it creepy.

  5. Gym is a good place to meet new people and dates. I’ll give you a few examples. A few weeks ago I wanted to use a lat pull down machine at the gym. A dude just finished up his set and offered me the machine. Turns out he promised the machine to a few other guys. I asked them if I could work in with them, next thing you know I’m working out with few random strangers and we have a four machine rotation going on. Now every time I go to the gym, I chat with them and will occasionally train. Been offered to go out with them too.

    For women meeting them is easy too. You just have to put yourself in position to meet them. The gym is like a baby night club or bar. Girls will notice you there, especially if you’re in shape and seem tapped in with other guys. Sometimes girls are more aggressive, while other times they’re more passive. Like have you guys ever had a woman “follow” you at the gym before?

    I’ll also say the gym is a great place to get wisdom from older guys and men from various walks in life. Being social at the gym pays off, and if you have a multiple club membership it’s good too.

  6. It is if you are fit and look good.

    Ive trained in a private studio gym for the past 5 years, Went to a public gym for the first time a few months ago while travelling for business and I can say theres definitely a ‘vibe’ going on, people will ask you for workout help or want to get something to eat after traning.

    If I become single again I reckon going to a public gym one day a week might be a good way to cross paths with someone, afterall gym is my hobby so where better to find someone with similar hobbies.

  7. The more social the gym atmosphere the more likely you are you meet people. I wouldn’t go expecting to find love though. Only the love of getting fit. Most people are there to get sh*t done.

  8. You can. Just do it after they finish an exercise or are taking a break. A great place to meet friends for sure

  9. So if it’s meet new people for just friends then 100% yes. I’ve made loads of friends at the gym, if you mean women or relationships god no.

  10. Reddit: Don’t date co-workers. Have hobbies instead

    Also Reddit: People don’t go to the gym/library/skating ring to get hit on.

    Just approach people wherever you see them if they show interest

  11. a gym can be used to train your mind and your body, dont go arround trying to flirt with people in the gym, they all are busy with their bodies and minds.

  12. Its demographic / cultural and depends on where you live. A gym that must be silent as an old fashioned library might be 5 miles down the road from what amounts to a meat market dating gym.

    Its somewhat stereotypical but if you live in an area where there’s a problem with people pooping on sidewalks, people overreact and pretend to be alone at the gym, but if you live in an area with “good schools” then people are very friendly at the gym and try to make friends. So the question turns into a stealth “where do you live” rant.

    Another major difference is there is no one “the gym” experience. The cardio room before and after a specific cardio class will be packed with classmates and its a great time to make friends. In the unlikely event your gym has lifting classes, the freeweights room will be packed with classmates before and after class. This is great if you’re trying to make friends and awful if you’re antisocial or just trying to workout.

  13. Not typically, no. Most people want to go to the gym to be left alone and do their thing.

  14. There are two or three guys at my gym, that seem to be friendly with everybody. The girls say hi when they show up, they’re fist-bumping other dudes when they get there, etc.

    I’ve been going to the gym pretty much for 20 years, and to this day, I still don’t understand how they manage it.

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