I work for a company where upper management are absolute bullies. I have risen quick through the ranks and have ended up answering to these people. I on my sixth 60 hour week, I get no weekends, no evenings, and I’m burnt out as hell.

This is all happening because of over promising and under resourcing by upper management a project I am leading.

I am looking for a new job to get out of this toxic company but that’s not something that happens overnight.

Whilst I haven’t yet had physical illness, I can tell my mental health is reaching its limit, and I can tell in my physical health I am stressed.

I would love to talk to my GP and get signed off for a couple weeks to recover (and job hunt) but do I have to wait until I literally collapse or something to do this?

Please let me know your experiences, I’m an absolute ghost of a person at the moment.

  1. It will depend on your doctor tbh, but it’s worth making an appointment and explaining and asking. I’ve been signed off before based just on a phone conversation (sometime during one of the lockdown phases), not with burnout but depression/anxiety. Waiting until it’s much further along may mean you don’t actually have the energy to get the help you need, then you’ll spiral. I hope you get the rest you need!

  2. You have 7 days to self certify, then you will need to be signed off with a Fit Note by the GP. Speak with your GP after the week and be honest, ask for what help you need, whether it’s counselling, online help and they’ll refer you where they can and also offer online tools if needed.

    Good luck and I hope you find a happier workplace!

  3. It was easy enough with my GP. I had a telephone appointment where I explained that I found my job overwhelming and that it had led to all these symptoms like an inability to sleep, no appetite, crying uncontrollably throughout the day, feeling like I couldn’t finish a thought because I felt so blank…I didn’t even get half way through my list when my GP said, “I’m going to sign you off, you’re heading towards burnout if you’re not already there.” I was signed off for two weeks initially but my GP reassured me that if that wasn’t enough time, to simply call back and get it extended. I got it extended twice more and had 3 months off eventually (the last month being my notice period).

    I would recommend telling your GP that you have been overworked and you’re starting to feel x, y and z, you’ve noticed these changes in your physical health etc. Maybe write it down on a list if you’re anxious like I was. Hopefully they’ll be understanding and just sign you off.

  4. I ignored my health and worked harder than my body could deal with, burnt out at 35 and haven’t been able to do anything but a few weekends shifts in a greasy spoon caff for the last 12 years.

    Figure out a believable bullshit excuse or call in your holiday entitlement and get the fuck outta dodge. It’s not worth it.

  5. It was pretty easy. It was in lockdown so it was a telephone call. I broke down and told the Dr that I was very stressed and not coping at work. He signed me off for 2 weeks and I requested extensions every 2 weeks online. I had 2 months off. I was paid full company sick pay.

    Hope you are ok.

  6. Don’t wait until your physical health suffers.

    you know the truth.


    there are psychotherapists out there who can help, as can your GP.


    but you and I both know a few weeks signed off with stress won’t solve anything…

  7. You need to stand up to them and stop been their slave. Simply take the weekends off and tell them you’ve worked enough. If you don’t stand up to them, no one will do it for you.

    So based on your statement that you’re not getting any weekends off and doing 60 hours a week, does that include your lunch breaks? So let’s say you get 30 mins for lunch, that means you are working 8hrs a day 7 days a week. It’s no wonder you feel burnt out. Just say no to working anymore weekends

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