What’s the best way to help a man when he’s extremely stressed about work?

  1. For me, I just want to relax when I get home… and cuddles. Maybe go out and do something fun and chill on the weekends to take my mind off of things.

  2. Support him.

    Take care of the other tasks around the house so he can focus on work and minimize stress elsewhere.

    Make sure he has clean clothes and the house is quiet for him to sleep. Stress can make it hard to sleep. And when people are stressed they can struggle with self care tasks.

    Try to make sure there are extra snacks and comfort foods around. He might not be eating full meals since lots of people get indigestion when they’re stressed

    Be emotionally available, make it clear you love him no matter what and that he isn’t his job or his earning potential to you. Do it subtly so he doesn’t think you’re accusing him or failing.

    A note in a lunchbox saying you love him can make his day.

    Don’t pressure him to perform sexually. Tons of guys struggle to get or stay hard when stressed.

    Scalp massages.

  3. When I get home from a hitch at work my girlfriend likes to throw on a record for me and cook spaghetti. I’m a very lucky guy lol

    Edit: While I’m at work she’s just there and available emotionally. It goes both ways of course but really helps me get through the 2 weeks.

  4. First step is to not stress him more. Eliminate or at least minimize “must do” things when he comes home.

    The rest is a bit depending on him. For example going fishing is relaxing for some, stressful because you can’t get work done for others.

  5. One of the best ways to help a man who is stressed about work is to actively listen and offer emotional support. Encourage him to open up about what’s bothering him, and try not to judge or minimize his feelings. Offer to join him for a workout or suggest a relaxing activity like a nature walk or yoga class.

  6. For me. It’s having a plate of hot wings, then enjoy some quality time with my SO with movies, games, or even just cuddling until we both fall asleep.

  7. Giving him your full attention if he wants to talk about the problems and giving him a safe place to do it. At my last job, I was extremely stressed and my wife tried her best to listen to me. While it helped, not adding any extra stress helps. If he wants to take a nap or eat junk food to cope, let him. A stressful job can take a lot out of you and he will need time to recharge inorder to face it again the next day.

  8. Offer to take them out, maybe a day at the zoo. Some place peaceful and calm.

  9. Have a meal ready for him, rub his back before bed, keep things clean and organized so he doesn’t have to deal with it, and make sure he knows that you’ll be there for him through thick and thin. It’s honestly really simple to bring peace to a man, but for some reason no one thinks to do it.

  10. I see this question every other day!!! Good lord! Accept the advice ladies, blow jobs, great sex, that is literally all a MAN needs. It boost their confidence, puts them at ease, relaxes them. I know you all dont want to hear it, you wanna believe some silly horse shit about flowers or a dinner, something YOU would want. Men just arent wired that way

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