hello everyone! my best friend from high school (22F), went to the same college as me (21F) and we had the same friend group our first year. this friend was still connected to multiple people from my high school and this includes some family friends of mine. we ended up falling out in college and i stayed friends with our college friend group but she backed out. eventually, my college friend group split up after a long series of events but one of my ex-friends from that college group has gone out of her way to find people who don’t like me and talk shit about me. she has met up with people who i’ve fallen out with in the past and told them complete lies about the situation and fails to take accountability for the role she played. this included her meeting up with my ex-best friend from high school who still goes to the same college as us and getting on good terms with her to get the last laugh. at this point, i’m deeply concerned that my ex-best friend from high school is going to go around and spread these lies about me to the people who she still talks to from high school and that it’s going to get to my family friends and even my family. i’ve decided to just ignore what i can but i don’t know how to release the anxiety of people potentially meeting me in the future with preconceived notions about my character.

tl;dr: my ex-best friend from high school and i went to the same college and had the same college friend group. she left our friend group because she fell out with me and i stayed with friends with them. college friend group eventually split up and someone from that group is seeking out people who have fallen out with me in the past to spread lies about me, which includes the ex-best friend from high school.

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