TDLR: Ex with control issues may have taken nudes of me without my consent. My career is beginning to reach unimaginable heights and I am worried he will use them against me if they exist. Deciding whether I should send a cease & desist to prevent the worst possible outcome.

Ex broke up with me in a brutal way (lead me on only to blindside me by showing up to my porch with boxes of my stuff.) I began to assess his behavior leading up to the breakup, as he had been acting strange for weeks. On the last week that we were together, we had sex. He made a really odd request, where he said he wanted me to “look at myself” on his phone screen in 2 different positions while having sex. It didn’t occur to me that he could’ve taken my picture until after the relationship was over. For background, his rear camera was not working, so he turned his phone with the screen facing me and used his front-facing camera. During the act, I didn’t see the red glowing oval that would indicate active screen recording, nor did I see the flash of the screen that would indicate a screenshot had been taken. It just seemed like the camera was on, but nothing was snapped/recorded. Even without any evidence, the request itself seemed very strange since he had never asked to do that before. However, the way he broke up with me made it clear he is NOT to be trusted with anything. I removed and blocked him off all social media platforms, but I don’t want him to google me, reach out to my employer and send sensitive photos to them if he took them. I am grappling with the idea of sending a cease and desist as a preventative measure, because I do not trust him at all. I have gone stone-cold no contact since he left my front porch, and don’t intend on breaking it. I am certain he would oblige to the letter via a third party (an attorney’s office.) I would hate for this to turn into a messier situation, but I need to protect everything I’ve worked for. Advice?

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