Just curious on a daily basis — Is yours high or low?

What causes it to be that way? How do you typically try to sustain (if high), or what do you do about it when it’s low?

  1. I would say mid to high. I accomplish this by working out, mostly running and rock climbing.

  2. High – work out 3x a week. Watch diet, pay attention to nutrition. Avoid sugar. Don’t drink. Sleep in an expensive bed. Good sleep hygiene. Go to bed and wake up the same time every day. No caffeine after noon.

    Low energy usually after workouts. Just pace myself and stretch.

  3. Pretty high.

    No real dips or changes throughout the day.

    I attribute it to a combination of intermittent fasting and getting a solid 7-8 hrs of sleep every night.

  4. Low. Lack of decent sleep because of partially treated sleep apnea and insomnia, poor diet, lack of exercise and pretty bad mental and physical health. Caffeine helps some, but at some point I am run ragged and I am used to Friday to be a day where the wheels fall off, I need naps and doing basically nothing for hours to reset. It sucks.

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