I [23F] got angry at my mom [45F] so I decided to ignore her since it’s only 8 days before my licensure exam which she got angry at.

8 days before my licensure exam, so I was busy studying. Like all I did was study, sleep and eat. I was already mentally and physically tiredand stressed. And then that night she decided to call me which I didn’t answer since I had to get some power nap. And then she proceeded to ask me if I was in my boyfriends place. I just woke up and then I saw her message I told her that I just woke up. She called me and told me to turn on my camera so that she can look at my surroundings to see if I’m lying. At this point I just snapped because she’s been doing it for like 6 months ever since I’ve been away. I was just letting her be but I guess I had enough of her doing that. So I ignored her until my licensure exam was over.

Fast forward to now.
I talked to her about what she did and I told her I don’t deserve that kind of treatment since I didn’t do anything to deserve it. And she just told me that she cwn do anything she wants because she’s the parent and the one who pays for my everything. I was trying to tell her that around that time I was already physically and mentally tired and she was just adding to my problems. Then she just told me that my feelings don’t matter and that she won’t listen to any of my explanations.

Now I just feel tired and drained again after talking to her.

Already been subject to trauma and depression because of her ever since I was 15. And now I feel it’s coming back again because of it 🙁

Tldr: should my feelings be invalidated by my mother just because I’m her child?

  1. >She called me and told me to turn on my camera so that she can look at my surroundings to see if I’m lying.

    She’s, uh… not entitled to that information. Regardless of whether you were preparing for an exam.

    >And she just told me that she cwn do anything she wants because she’s the parent and the one who pays for my everything.

    If she wants to tie her financial support for you to invading your privacy, that should be a good motivator for you to achieve financial independence as soon as possible. After that point, you no longer have any reason to bend to her whim (or even talk with her ever, for that matter).

    You could also consider for yourself if putting up with her absurd requests is worth her financial support, but that’s your call.

  2. Focus on your exam, and then developing your independence financially. Once you have that, you can ignore your mother and dictate the terms of your relationship.

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