We’ve been together since the start of high school and we’re both 21 now. Last night I went through a phone because ever since I got an abortion in December everything in our relationship has been off. I couldn’t have sex for a couple months due to complications and that’s when I noticed a change in his behavior and that it was affecting him. At this time I found out that he tried to kiss another girl at a party. I should’ve left then but I was very vulnerable at the time and just blamed myself instead. I went through his photos and that’s when I saw two pictures that look like they were taken in a girls room and I decided to see when and where it was taken. I googled the address and a warehouse area pulled up. I then proceeded to go through his text messages and that’s when a bank statement caught my eye with a weird name and it was for the same night around the same time. I googled part of the name and it instantly popped up… The same night he asked for cuddles and was still texting me but in intervals… I still haven’t confronted him. I feel so embarrassed and disgusted.

Edit: the more I find out about this place the more I’m invested as just a story 😂 this place has changed it named twice bc of lawsuits. The girls rob their cars and half the time guys don’t get anything💘

  1. So, your boyfriends bank texted him his bank statement? And he got a happy ending in a warehouse? There really isn’t a question in here to answer and it just seems really odd.

  2. Honestly you don’t even have to confront him about it. You can just end it and move on. If he asks for a reason then tell him the truth but don’t allow his reasons or excuses for the events to cloud your judgment.

  3. Better than a “Lord of the Rings” ending massage. But yeah drop that dude.

  4. Dump him. Depending where you are if it’s illegal report the place. Dodged a bullet. Look at it as a gift you found out and are so young you can move on easily.

  5. I Googled a phone number from his text messages. The online escort service”Skip The Games” popped up with pics of the hooker he’d been paying. I’m single and loving it now.

  6. A warehouse? I’d be concerned Human Trafficking was involved as well and maybe call the hotline to report.

  7. The loss of the child may be bothering him. You may want to talk with him and ask how he feels.

  8. $300 for an old fashioned?

    *puts gloves on, snaps em*

    Looks like it’s time for a career change.

  9. Infidelity aside, knowing a guy actively sought a massage with a happy ending would automatically give me the “ick”

  10. You got with him at 14 or so, and you are with him now because you’ve never known anything else and the thought of being with someone else is probably scary. But for real, it gets SO much better than a guy who can’t go a couple months without when his partner has a medical issue.

    You can’t find a good guy if that chair is occupied by a bad guy. He’s got to go.

  11. Breaking up is how you get your happy ending. I saw someone else’s comment and I thought that was clever. Please leave him. You’ll find a great guy soon

  12. Hun, if your pride isn’t enough to dump him. Please know that he could also be a danger to your health as you do not know who is is fooling around with and could ultimately bring something back to you.

  13. i am praying you do not stay with this asshole. you went through a very traumatic experience and he was more concerned about getting laid instead of supporting you & being there for you. my heart hurt reading this, you deserve so much more hun. please dont blame yourself for any of this.

  14. Why are there so many posts in the relationships subs about happy endings in the last few weeks? Is this the current hot topic and creative writing prompt?

  15. Time for you to dump him and get your happy ending! Also, the whole story about this place??? What the FUCK lmao

  16. This (general infidelity) is the only time that I support unanimous “dump that asshole” responses on this sub.

    Seriously girl, dump that asshole.

  17. While I do think you should just dump him and I agree with everyone else in here, I will play devil’s advocate for a second and ask: why did you go through this phone (which I assume is his)?

    Yes, it might have given you great insight, but did you guys agree that you look into each other’s phones beforehand?

    I will not lie to you, I don’t think that’s very cool of you if that wasn’t something you guys used to do/agreed upon.

  18. How could you Google an address from a glimpse of a bedroom in the background of a photo? Did she have her address conveniently hung up on the wall? Sorry I’m probably just really tired and missing an obvious answer lol

  19. He cheated on you. Don’t stay with him. You can definitely do better.

    Cheaters never change their stripes. You will never be able to trust him again.

  20. Get yourself tested for STD’s! Lord only knows how long he has been doing this!

  21. I’m sorry, that’s rough. What advice are you looking for, exactly? If you know you should’ve left him before, surely you know you should leave him now, right?

    And what are *you* embarrassed about? He’s the one being embarrassing.

    Dump him and get tested for STIs.

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