One of those things you thought you were doing right, and then suddenly Life felt extremely easy afterwards.

  1. Not setting firmer boundaries, and more importantly, not keeping my word when people do break those boundaries.

  2. Not quitting as soon as a better (10%+ payrise) job offer is out there. Amazing how fast your pay goes up if you make sure you’re getting the market rate.

  3. Thinking anyone was looking at or caring about what I was doing, especially in public. Unless you’re being a nuisance nobody cares.
    Probably something that just comes with age but it’s incredibly freeing – I do (within reason) and wear what I want

  4. In my mid-late 20s I started only dating and sleeping with people I actually liked rather than people I liked the look of. My life became much happier.

    I also stopped worrying about what all but a few people think.

  5. I thought I was a broken weirdo but I just found out I have ADHD and all of my quirks are related to that.

  6. Doing things too quickly, took many years to learn to slow down and enjoy things – Life is not a race!

  7. I never bothered washing my feet. As I assumed they just got washed automatically when you were showering.

    Now I wash them properly everyday.

  8. Using other peoples’ metrics as a value for my own happiness.

    “If you’re not going outside and doing stuff on weekends you’ll be miserable”

    “If you stay single forever you’ll die sad”

    “Everyone has to enjoy sex. If you don’t, you’re with the wrong person”

    “You need a car to be happy”

    Along with all the other random things people said as I was growing up/in my late teens.


    After I stopped giving a damn…

    I enjoyed my weekends indoors a lot more (I was never a fan of going out to do stuff, just for the sake of going out)

    I enjoyed the single life, but I do enjoy the couples life too.

    I don’t enjoy people invalidating asexuality. Luckily, my fiancee feels the same, and puts up with the almost no-sex life we have.

    I only learned to drive for a practical reason. It hasn’t brought any added happiness (it’s actually brought unhappiness when I see the cost of the insurance still being 4 digits this year)

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