How would you react to someone if they looked at your old photos and said “Eww you looked so ugly, I wouldn’t have dated you”?

  1. Dump them. They are going to get old and their looks are going to fade.. If they can’t handle my past, I’m not going to be there for their future.

  2. Well I sure as fuck wouldn’t have dated me either, so I’d agree with them lmaooo. I don’t keep old photos of myself for plenty of good reasons, no one needs to see that fat face, those emo eyeliners or pencil eyebrows, or those embarassing, horribly ill-fitting clothes.

    If we can’t laugh about old, horrible style and appearance mistakes then idk what.

  3. “Good thing I didn’t ask you. Fucking yikes, bruh, learn some manners.”

  4. The vast majority of people? I’d just say that they’re being rude and also wrong, I was adorable as a child.

    If my wife said it, I’d probably be pretty upset. I’m not particularly obsessed about my appearance, but that’s something intentionally hurtful and we’d probably have to have a serious conversation about our marriage rules since one of them is we never say anything bad about the other. I’m also pregnant, and I’d probably just cry at first because my emotions are already a bit unstable at the moment.

  5. I mean… I was a wreck back in the day and cringe at old photos myself hahah my BF on the other hand was always a hottie 🙄 but I’ve even said- “we were way different crowds and would have never dated back then!” … so what. How do they feel about you now?! That comment tells me they think you’re hot/pretty now, right? Some people go through ugly duckling phases! If it hurt your feelings though, tell them they were rude to say that 🙂

  6. What are you saying I’m still ugly to this day nothing really change

  7. “What is the goal of your comment and what value do you think it brought to this conversation?”

  8. “Ew, you have such terrible social skills, I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”

  9. >”Wow. And to think all this time you were hiding your true ugliness under a lovely facade. Thank you for finally sharing your true personality with me. I think we’re done here. Goodbye.”

  10. i would ask them if their head injury caused them to be impotent as well as rude

  11. Roll my eyes at them (I mean I did look bad but the second part of the sentence is just weird, especially since I was underage then)

  12. They wouldn’t be wrong, but that’s still a really mean thing to say, so I wouldn’t be friends with them anymore.

  13. If it was my friends? I’m fine, standard banter. If it’s someone I’m in a serious relationship with? Well we’re fucked if we want kids together…

  14. I had a “friend” (the girlfriend of my boyfriends friend) who saw an old picture of me and said if she knew my bf back then she would have told him not to date me. The funny thing is she actually thought it was a compliment! I told her that it was a rude thing to say because it was still me and I love every past version of myself. I told my bf and we didn’t hang out around them as a group much anymore after that.

  15. “That’s what people say about us when I show them a picture of you. But atleast I love you enough to see beyond physical beauty and not say anything. But I can see you don’t feel the same..”

  16. I would be shocked and say nothing, but silently lose trust and discard them as a potential partner (if this was said in the context of dating). I am not good at comebacks but I draw my conclusions if someone is deliberately making me feel bad about myself, even if it’s “just being honest” or a “joke”.

  17. I never throught of it till now my wife said that to me I use to be a body builder

  18. I’d just say “Okay” and laugh. Not at them but just at the situation because:

    A. I didn’t ask

    B. Clearly they’re projecting something or dont have great social skills, but neither are my business

    People are silly

  19. If you wouldn’t have dated current me because past me looked a certain way, that’s a you problem, bro. My “glow up” was awesome, your loss really.

  20. I WAS ugly. I wouldn’t have dated me either 🤣 glow ups are a Godsend.

  21. I probably wouldn’t react directly, as I avoid confrontation most of the time. But. That would for sure be the *last* thing this person ever said to me.

    ETA because I would cut them out of my life immediately. Just realized that sounded a little murder-y lmao

  22. I have had a boyfriend say that to me, and I wasn’t offended at all because I couldn’t blame him. I had a huge glowup for the very reason that I knew I didn’t look good and wanted to be pretty. If anything, him saying that made me proud of how far I’d come. One of the main points of getting prettier was to increase my dating options. It did that. He was the result.

  23. Understand that if I continue to date this person, I will be in many social situations where this person blurts out socially awkward comments, to me OR others. Me, I can handle it with humor, but family and good friends could have a harder time. Can create social challenges iver a lifetime.

  24. “I probably wouldn’t have dated you either. What has that got to do with the price of beans?”

  25. Who would say this to someone? Certainly none of my friends. Hopefully nobody else’s either.

  26. Probably laugh in their face and call them a cheeky fucker to be honest!

  27. These questions are so odd. I would end the interaction and likely any association with the person that said this. It’s one thing to poke a little fun, but that’s unacceptable .

  28. “Look who’s talking… and the worst part is. You’re even uglier now!”

  29. Just smile and internally file them in “should not procreate” and simply expel that person from my life. Have very little free time, so why spend it on that kind of stuff?

  30. I would be concerned that they were looking at child me in a sexual way and tell them so. I should hope they don’t find child me dateable 😬

  31. “I bet that sounded different in your head. You can leave now.”

  32. “I feel that way about you now, but you don’t see me getting on you about it. Do better.”

  33. “Yeah, my standards were never low enough for that to happen. That personality of yours needs some work still.”

  34. Nothing new to what they would say now. I am ugly and nobody wants to date me so they would just be stating the obvious.

  35. “What makes you think I would’ve wanted you near me? I wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole, even if I had a gun to my head”

  36. Fair enough, we all judge people for their looks. I once gained a lot of weight due to a deep depression, that coupled with the rare showers and stinky clothes, I looked really bad. I wouldn’t have wanted to date myself then either so can’t be mad if other people wouldn’t want to date me. I became normal size again exactly because I wanted certain people to be attracted to me. I’m hiding that part of history, but if they find it I completely accept the eww comments.

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