Brit here asking. Just interested

  1. Not in high school. It wasn’t a huge event for us in the US. It may get a brief mention during the section on the Cold War but that’s about it.

    It just didn’t have a huge impact on American history.

  2. No, it isn’t relevant to a primary education. We don’t have time to learn about stuff the US wasn’t really very involved in, or things that aren’t like earth moving on a world history scale.

  3. I don’t recall learning that in school, but there are hundreds of wars, not going to learn about every one, unfortunately.

  4. The Falklands War is definitely not school.

    But 40 years is probably enough for it to be in schools now. When I was in school, history stopped shortly after the Civil Rights Movement.

  5. I don’t remember going past WWII in high school, even in AP US history.

    The Falklands war was pretty minor. The UK smashed Argentina, but also had their own share of embarrassing losses.

  6. No. It’s relatively recent and not directly relevant to the US or even to the world outside of the UK and Argentina. You

  7. When I was in school, it was current events. I would be pretty surprised if it was anything more than just casually mentioned. Conflicts between two countries that have very little to no influence on the United States don’t have any relevance for students here.

  8. Most Americans couldn’t even tell you where the Falklands are, let alone know there was a war there.

  9. It happened when I was in college (University).

    It was all over the news. And definitely discussed in my current events class.

  10. No. It wasn’t significant enough to be worth squeezing into the history lessons.

  11. FYI that’s an event that is within the lifetime of many of us. So that was the news and not school where I heard about it. I remember that it was covered, but have almost no recollection other than the are off the coast of South America, and and a comedian made a joke I thought was funny about the Harrier jets that were used as ‘planes that curtsy’.

  12. I hadn’t heard of it at all until the episode of Top Gear where they go to Patagonia and find themselves on the receiving end of the ire of angry veterans.

  13. No, we barely cover our own 20th century wars; we don’t have time for everyone else’s territorial disputes.

  14. I don’t even remember studying it at all in school in Scotland, let alone in the US.

  15. It wasn’t mentioned once. Like all good Americans, I learned about the Falklands War from Crass.

  16. I don’t think we spent much time on it in school. My roommate in college was from Argentina and he wouldn’t shut up about it. He would stay up late into the night arguing with anyone who would argue with him. Basically, here is what I learned. Argentina is the best country on earth, and they were fighting against what I can only assume was a group worse that the star wars empire. God himself feels that Argentina should have won, but the Brits are so evil, so terrible, that they won based on pure evil power.

    My friend from Pakistan disagreed, and would argue with him all the time. Sadly for my roommate, my friend from Pakistan was really smart, and my roommate was…. less smart, but also kind of unstable. So he lost arguments alot, and would lose his temper alot.

    And that’s what I know. 100% may be wrong. It could have been aliens. I dunno.

  17. I was in high school when it happened. Suzy Eddie Izzard’s “for strategic sheep purposes” explains it best, LOL.

  18. When I was in high school, we never learned about the Falklands. It was a small engagement in our perspective and not really talked about. I did see a couple of videos on mark Felton and simple history.

  19. I don’t think so but it’s been a while. It had nothing to do with us (although the CIA greatly helped stop Argentina from acquiring weapons) and didn’t change the state of the world at all so not sure why we would.

  20. Nope. I do know Argentina is full of BS though and that their claim to the Falklands is a joke. The Falklands are just a distraction used by the Law and Justice party to hide the horrible economy and failing state

  21. The Royal Navy had 2 Type 42 Batch 1 Sheffield Class Guided-Missile Destroyer, 2 Type 21 Amazon Class Guided-Missile Frigate, 1 Round-Table Class Landing Ship Logistics and 1 Landing Craft Utility and 1 merchant ship sunk

    The Falklands War basically showed that the air defence systems the British had in the Cold War were completely inadequate when actually used in war time conditions unlike the US Navy equipment which has not been used under wartime conditions

  22. We don’t even learn about the 2 wars we had with Barbary pirates when they decided to enslave our sailors. Why would we learn about a war over a stupid and shitty island that only happened cause your PM at the time was Cruella De Vil on steroids.

  23. I’m gonna take the L here and say that as a New Englander, 2014 grad, I’ve never heard of the Falklands War in my life…

  24. My curriculum went to the 2000s. The falkwands war was a footnote if mentioned at all.

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