Why do you love to see full moon?

  1. Why shouldn’t I? Humanity has gazed in appreciation at the moon since our existence began. I love to see the moon through all of its phases and find it beautiful.

  2. I love to see the full moon because it makes everything brighter outside even though the sky is dark. I feel safe when I see the moon like it’s watching me.

  3. Good time to meditate and release things/thought patterns that no longer serve me. Gives my mind a fresh start.

  4. It’s exciting to see any celestial body at night when you live in a big city with tons of light pollution. Full moon shines the brightest even when it’s cloudy, sometimes you can even get a good look at the surface texture. That’s just super cool!

  5. It’s that piece of light in the darkness, like the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s such a peaceful time and it brings me back to that innocence of an age where there was beauty in the simplest wonders of life.

  6. It’s pretty. Also, it brightens the nighttime. Camping by a lake with a full moon, and seeing it reflect on the water is a top tier nature moment.

  7. It’s beautiful but wow everyone seems to be crazy with a full moon.

  8. It reminds me how small I am in a universe and it also make me realize how short our lives are, in a good way. Because, every time I look at it, I feel some kind of relief that everything is not important as we think and we have to make most of it.

  9. I do OP. Whatever phase or place in the sky it is in, I do a double take when I see it. 🌜

  10. Because it is mysterious, especially when slightly covered by clouds. Sometimes when moon is big and yellow, it looks like a big lantern lamp hanging in the sky. Also I think of how beautiful and unusual everything looks under moonlight (photographer here).

  11. Because that’s my name and I get to make a lot of dumbass jokes about it 😛

  12. I’ve been a selenophile since I was a kid, I just always found it very calming to look at (there’s a quote I quite like: the Moon has scars too but look at how it shines even in the darkest of times) and I also enjoy the light and sights it provides when I’m going on a night stroll for inspiration.

  13. I love seeing the shadows cast from a full moon. It’s incredible to see shadows of trees at night. Beautiful

  14. I love space. I think very deeply about life (sometimes I’ll get too existential lol)

    I feel more connected when I look at the moon.

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