Sorry for the strange/vague title, I wasn’t sure how to word it. I will properly explain it though.

I (18NB, afab), just bought my first sex toy. The ROMP jazz rabbit vibrator, in case that information ends up relevant.

I’m a virgin, and I worked myself up, relaxed, lubed up, etc. to get it past my opening comfortably. But then I ran into an issue. When it got a certain length in, I want to say about an inch, the front of my… pelvis? Bladder? I’m not sure what, but it caused a SHARP internal pain near my front. I don’t know why. Does it have to do with my bladder? I peed beforehand, though. Is it possible thay it somehow went deep enough to hit the end of my vagina? It wasn’t very deep when I started hurting. Any clues?

  1. Um… I don’t personally have a vagina… but if you’re a virgin… I believe you would still have a hymen which could be preventing deeper insertion.

  2. Yeah just because you’re relaxed and lubed up doesn’t change the fact that you’re a virgin! Some people lose their virginity without much pain but generally speaking women hurt when they first have penetrative sex. Try something with less girth for the first few times. You may bleed a bit and it’s nothing to worry about unless it’s heavy and doesn’t stop. That’s unlikely.

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