I am seeing this girl for a couple of weeks now, we like each other, we talk every day, all day long, meet once a week or so, seemed to be going well.
Last night during a phone call (of a 2-3 hours), towards the end of the call, for some odd reason, I brought up the topic of “cutting yourself” or “being depressed” and asked if she was depressed in her teenage years or if she used to cut herself.
The convo got weird very fast, she told me she feel uncomfortable and asked to finish the call which obviously we did.
I apologised via text, to which I got a response of “yeah.. it wasn’t okay”
I sent some explanations and explained I didn’t mean bad, to which she asked to cancel her coming over the next day (today) as she don’t feel comfortable which I told her I understand.
She thanked me for understanding, I wished her a good night and didn’t get a response.

How do I take it from here?
We usually touch a lot of personal topics (sexual assaults, abusive parents, etc..), but I get it could have been too much last night.
I want to apologise again, but I am unsure how it will come across.
Could you guide me on this tricky one please?

  1. You already apologized, don’t bring up the topic again because that’s just going to make her more uncomfortable. Just act normally

  2. You apologized promptly. There’s nothing else to do. She will decide what she wants to do. That’s it.

  3. You apologized promptly. There’s nothing else to do. She will decide what she wants to do. That’s it.

  4. Stop over apologizing bro. It was a bit of a buzzkill question, but nothing rude about it, just ignore for a week till she gets over herself. Altho sounds like u may already be toast

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